DVD Review: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic – Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders

By Maju Marfori, Reporter
Ever go through a stage in your life where you’re trying to discover yourself? Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Or what you’re supposed to be when you grow up? I know I did when I was younger. I went on a journey within myself, and discovered who I am. Well that’s what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are going through in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. These ponies are doing everything to find out who they are.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is a collection of episodes, following the three friends (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo) trying their best to get their Cutie Marks. In the series of My Little Pony, the Cutie Mark is a symbol of who they are and what they are able to do. Something such as talent that differentiate them from everyone else. Just like in the real world, as a kid you get made fun of if you’re different. As such, the three friends formed a group to help one another to discover themselves and finally be like everyone else and have their very own Cutie Marks.

“The Cutie Pox” – Apple Bloom is impatient in getting her Cutie Mark. She is depressed and decided to take a walk around Ponyville and meets up with Zecora (a witch doctor zebra). She then discovers a potion that gives her heart’s desire.
“The Cutie Mark Chronicles” – The girls try to look for Rainbow Dash and ask her about how she got her cute mark, but ends up meeting with all of the other ponies and each of them told the girls the story about their experience in getting their cutie marks.
“Flight to the Finish” – Scootaloo is given the honor to fly the Ponyville flag into the pony games, but she is saddened by the fact she is a pegasi and can’t fly. So with the encouragement of Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo is able to overcome her fear.
“Pinkie Pride” – Pinkie Pie’s pride was hurt when Cheese Sandwich came into Ponyville and trying to out party plan her.
“Twilight Time” -The Cutie Mark Crusaders are having special lessons with Twilight Sparkle, when their classmates find out about it, they all want to join them in Twilight Time.

Special Features:
Sing Along (Super Duper Party Ponies), Downloadable wallpapers and Coloring Sheets. Super fun!

The 5.1 surround sound in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders put together a clear, crisp soundtrack and made you feel as if you were there with The Cutie Mark Crusaders. The colors just simply flow within the episodes. Everything just pops off the screen. The DVD video is clean, smooth and in widescreen format.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is a wonderful DVD collection of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which teaches kids on how to be patient and being true to oneself. I enjoyed the lessons to be learned, on how friendship can encourage you to be a better person, that being patient can also be rewarding, and that being true to yourself is better than being someone else.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, just like all the other episodes of the series, bring joy, fun, and great music to dance to. My daughter and I (I am not ashamed to say it) got up and danced to all the songs and even took turns on who sang which song. I truly enjoyed this DVD and seeing the smile on my daughter’s face and seeing how she is absorbing the lessons to be learned made me happy.
ComicsOnline.com gives My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Adventures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders 4.5 out of 5 star cutie marks!