#NotesForTracy 01/29/25
World’s End: Mandy’s Plan (is a great plan!) What will they do? And another Critter Coloring by guest artist Angela M.!
#NotesForTracy 01/27/25
World’s End: No Dances! What will they do? And a Critter Coloring by guest artist Angela M.!
#NotesForTracy 01/24/25
World’s End Confirmation! Stuff I read about the Internet Going Down! A plug for ongoing Hurricane Helene Relief efforts! And a wonderful Critter Coloring by Ivanna!
#NotesForTracy 01/22/25
World’s End starts here! London creator sighting! Also, Spenser’s Critter Coloring!
#NotesForTracy 12/04/24
A hero and his archnemesis meet over…root beer? Another Italian Critter sighting, and some new stickers showcased here!
#NotesForTracy 12/02/24
Hero and Villain! Buddhist proverb! A Critter Sighting in Italy, and some great Critter Coloring by Remmi!
#NotesForTracy 11/29/24
That’s why they call it a Battle Cry? And a Critter Sighting at the Vatican, and a Critter Coloring by Mayley!
#NotesForTracy 11/27/24
The limitations of superpowers! Staring Latuda Critter, Miata Ann, Kilroy, and the dubiously diabolical Dr. Diablo! And a Critter Sighing in Rome, and a Critter Coloring by Alice!
#NotesForTracy 11/25/24
Let’s talk Superheroes! Latuda and Miata Ann run into Kilroy, our main hero. Also, a Critter Coloring from Edison!
#NotesForTracy 09/09/24
Revenge is Best Served with Pizza! Miata Ann shows Zee how to get revenge on the boys, and a Critter Sighting from one of my favorite people!
#NotesForTracy 08/16/24
Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute! Superheroes picking up litter. The readers learn something Spike wish he knew before he ate that pizza!
#NotesForTracy 08/14/24
Spike scares off another girl. Pizza Possum is not affiliated with Pizza Rat. Remember Pizza Rat?
#NotesForTracy 08/12/24
Spike & Norville experience a Scary Sighting! Is it the Goat Man? Or something that scares them much worse?