Comic Book Review: Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #2
I am loving this story arc and cannot wait for the next issue and the introduction of the Feral Five!
Fan Expo Chicago 2023: Pre-Con Interview with “Hivemind” Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (Part 1)
Thanks to our friends at Fan Expo Chicago (coming August 10-13, 2023), we had the opportunity to once again speak with our “Hivemind” friends (a.k.a. Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly) to properly prepare for the upcoming Chicago convention.
Fan Expo Chicago 2023: Pre-Con Interview with “Hivemind” Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (Part 1)
Thanks to our friends at Fan Expo Chicago (coming August 10-13, 2023), we had the opportunity to once again speak with our “Hivemind” friends (a.k.a. Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly) to properly prepare for the upcoming Chicago convention.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past DOOMSDAY #1
For the X-Men fans, the dystopian storyline known as “Days of Future Past” has been regarded as one of the most classic comic arcs of all time. That dark future has been teased for decades, but never fully explored…until now.
Comic Book Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past DOOMSDAY #1
For the X-Men fans, the dystopian storyline known as “Days of Future Past” has been regarded as one of the most classic comic arcs of all time. That dark future has been teased for decades, but never fully explored…until now.
Comic Book Review: Rogue & Gambit #5
When we last saw our lovebirds, they were dealing with more than just a spat between spouses. Powerbroker had control over Rogue, forcing her to attack her beloved Cajun (and take out all of her newlywed frustrations) with her fists rather than her words.
Comic Book Review: Scarlet Witch #6
A journey to Throneworld, a little mother-son bonding, a battle with the Blood Skrulls, and helping someone in need…. just another day for the Scarlet Witch.
Comic Book Review: Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1
Never a dull moment for the Earth’s Mightiest Hero. If Carol Danvers is not rescuing ships in a storm, she is facing down unknown anomalies in space. Can’t a girl ever get a break?
Movie Review: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
by G. E. Uke, Reporter Comic book aficionados will tell you that there are a bajillion different “kinds” of comics, but that when it comes to cinema only one sort has the public recognition to justify a motion picture. Those…
Comic Book Review: Captain Marvel #49
By Tony Rhea, Reporter Strap in and blast off into the cosmos for the emotional finale of the “Revenge of the Brood” storyline in this month’s Captain Marvel #49! Official Description: GRIEF WILL BE HER DOWNFALL! Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Hazmat and…
Comic Book Review: Wolverine #33
by Tony Rhea, Reporter Hello Friends! Another month brings us another new adventure with everyone’s favorite Canadian as he pursues Beast Prime and his “Weapons of X” in Wolverine #33. Official Synopsis WEAPONS OF X! The landmark Weapons of X storyline continues…
Advance Review: Spider-Man/Venom #1 – FCBD 2023
by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor Our coverage of Free Comic Book Day 2023 continues! Next up is an advance review of Spider-Man/Venom #1 – FCBD 2023 from Marvel. This story includes teasers for upcoming stories in The Amazing…
Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (SPOILER FREE)
by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor The freakin Guardians of the Galaxy are back in action for one last ride as James Gunn wraps up the story of his favorite misfits with the release of GotG Vol….
Comic Book Review: Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1
by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief SPOILERS ABOUND! Back in Powers of X (by Hickman, et al) Moira MacTaggart was revealed to be not a human after all, but a mutant whose power is that her death resets reality. It was in…