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Anime DVD Review: Baccano! Volume 4

A quick look back at Baccano! Volume 3,  introduced the Rail-Tracer, Szilard Quates (an immortal alchemist who is searching for the recipe of  Immortality) has appeared to have eliminated most of the Camorra group in the U.S, and Ladd Russo has been thrown off the train with his fiancée.  

DVD Review: The Law of Ueki, The Complete Series

"What, What just happened? IT WAS MY RIGHTEOUSNESS"

10 years ago the King of the Celestial World decided to have a tournament to find the one who would replace him. He selected 100 candidates and their task was to go to the Human world and find a Junior High School Student and give them a power to use, then they would compete in a battle tournament. The winer of the tournament will win the "Talent of Blank" (they get to fill in the blank), and the candidate who selected them will be come the King of the Celestial World. 


DVD Review: Jing King of Bandits, Seventh Heaven OVA

“These stripes look pretty faltering on me.”

Jing is a teenage boy who calls him self King of Bandits, but Jing isn’t alone, he always has his best fried named Kir, a bird that can become a weapon. Jing and Kir have ben friend sense they were kids and if Kir attaches him self to Jing’s arm and they can shoot burst of green enginery . Even though Jing calls him self the King of Bandits and is a thief, he still has a senesce of honor. Jing is similar Lupin The III, because both Lupin and Jing are still good even tho they do bad things. One of the things that separates Jing from Lupin is that Jing steals for collecting purposes and Lupin steals for money.

Blu-ray Review: The Cell 2

“The only thing that’s better than torturing a woman’s body, is tormenting a woman’s mind.” The Cell 2 releases on Blu-Ray June 16th.

In the time-honored tradition of sequels created by people who had nothing to do with the original, The Cell 2 explores the mind of the Cusp, a serial killer that gets off on last words.  For the sake of fans of The Cell and Tarsem Singh’s beautiful original vision, I have decided to review The Cell 2 as an independent release that has nothing to do with the original. 

Blu-ray Review: Spaceballs the Blu-ray

Get ready for Spaceballs: The Blu-ray!

The classic Mel Brooks Science Fiction parody hits the shelves this month in high definition. Now you can relive the classic misadventure featuring John Candy, Bill Pullman, Rick Moranis, Joan Rivers, Daphne Zuniga, and Mel Brooks himself.

DVD Review: Nobel Son

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There are a lot of excellent movies that fall through the cracks of the theater, either due to bad marketing, general disinterest from the mainstream, or just ignorance of its very existence. Nobel Son may not exactly be an excellent film, nor as brilliant as it probably wanted to be, but it certainly deserved more than the generally negative reviews it received. Screened at the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival first, it was picked up a year later for distribution and made about 540k overall. Not great, but at least it didn't die immediately after being slapped in the face, for the movie has more merit than the critics gave it.

Anime DVD Review: Aquarion, The Complete Series

Aquarion follows the lives of those forced to fulfill a past-life that gradually unfolds with every relationship they form with each other, through the struggle to save their own race from utter destruction.

DVD Review: Bubblegum Crash: Total Crash

Ok Sherman, set the way-back machine to 1991. Bubblegum Crisis was a hit and the two creative teams that worked together to bring the famed series to the public have a fight and split. Youmex makes a sequel and Artmic sues and ends the sequel after 3 episodes. Bubblegum Crash takes to 2034 and the scene has changed. The world has become a lest destructive place and begun to re-build. The Knight Sabers have gone in their own directions and are looking to much different lifestyles. But not all is right in Mega-Tokyo.


DVD Review: Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1960s Volume 1 and 1970s Volume 1

Ahh, Saturday mornings. Time to grab some breakfast and plant yourself in front of the TV so that a variety of commercial sponsors can tell you what to want in between snippets of ridiculous animated stories frenetic enough to hold your minuscule attention span! Ok, I haven't always been this cynical, and it is that innocent youngster that lurks somewhere inside us all that these collections are made for. Most of these series are from before my time, but anyone who watched cartoon reruns as a kid will find something recognizable in these collections.

DVD Review: Penn & Teller: Bullshit The Complete 6th Season

Do you have deeply held beliefs that you keep despite all evidence to the contrary? Do you have trouble accepting criticism? Do you offend easily?

If you answered "Yes" to all of these questions, you should probably avoid Penn & Teller: Bullshit The Complete Sixth Season. End of Review! Goodbye!

Ok, everybody else, keep reading…

DVD Review: 24 Season 7


Fans had to wait a long time to see Season 7 of 24 due to the Writer's Strike of 2007/2008. Several promotions had already aired in the US and had indicated the dismantling of CTU, as well as the return of a key player to the 24 Universe, TONY ALMEDA! But wait… wasn't he dead? Well unfortunately for us, only a few of the 24 episodes had been filmed before the strike began and production had to be postponed. After the strike ended, producers at Fox decided to postpone the airing of Season 7 until early 2009… The Power That Be decided that 2009 was a bit too long to wait for new adventures of our hero and made a two hour TV movie called "24: Redemption" (aka Jack Bauer's Adventures in Africa!) to serve as a prequel to the upcoming season. Now that the new season of 24 has been aired in the US, Fox has released the complete 7th season set!