Manga Review: Pokemon Adventure Volume 1
Pokemon Adventures is a story of a boy named Red and his dream to become a pokemon master. Red also wants to catch all of the pokemon, but he’s not alone, his rival is Blue. Blue is the grand son of Professor Oak, one of the greatest pokemon researchers of all time. The challenges in front of Red are hard and Team Rocket will just make them harder. Team Rocket aren’t the only problems, there are run away pokemon, pokemon thefts, pokemon that got fused with humans, pokemon zombis and getting trampled by a Snorlax. With all of those problems Red sure has his work cut out to be a pokemon master.
DVD Review: Transformers: Season One 25th Anniversary Edition
Generation 1 of The Transformers is twenty five years old. Doesn't time fly? Twenty five years and the franchise is probably healthier now than it has been in at least twenty years, thanks to Michael Bay's flashy live action interpretation, whose second installment just released. As a new generation of viewers are discovering the pleasures of robot aliens who turn into cars, and jets, and dinosaurs and bugs and cities and planets and pretty much anything you can think of, Shout Factory and Hasbro are celebrating the past with the re-release of the first season of Generation 1 of The Transformers on DVD, now restored to its original broadcast quality.
Manga Review: Detroit Metal City, Volume 1
DVD Review: Bleach Volume 17
"One thing we learned is that Uryu can no longer use his Quincy powers, isn't that true?"
Volume 17 Highlights
DVD Review: Bleach Volume 16
"Once one enters Soul Society and is enlightened by the Order, eyes can't be closed, ears can not be blocked"
Volume 16 Highlights
DVD Review: Death Note Re-Light: Visions of a God Vol. 1
Death Note Re-light: Vision Of a God Vol. 1, starts off with an average shinigami looking for something new to do. He goes out on a mission to find the shinigami who dropped a Death Note into the human world, to learn more about the human world. He finds Ryuk, which is only swayed by an apple from the shinigami world. Ryuk starts his tale from the very beginning, with the thought of boredom and the dropping of a simple notebook…
DVD Review: Pokemon: DP Battle Dimension Volume 1
“Looks like, where blasting off again.”
This is another step in Ash Ketchum’s journey to be a pokemon master. Like always, Ash has his good friend Pikachu and Brock and a newer friend, Dawn. This time Ash and the gang are in the Sinnoh region, with a lot of new challengers but even though they are in a new turf, Brock still falls in love with any pretty girl he meets. While Brock is trying to get a cute girl, Ash is determined to beat every gym leader in Sinnoh and Dawn is trying to get five contest ribbons. Since this is a new region with unseen wonders, there are bound to be many adventures along the way.
DVD Review: Kenichi, The Mightiest Disciple. Season One Part Two
"Kenichi, please forgive Apachai for killing you, you seem to die a lot."
DVD Review: Venus Viruses Virus, The Complete Series
"Cute; yes indeed. Lethal; Most Defiantly!"
There has been an increase in Viruses (a sub demonic creature who feeds on the souls of humans who can see them), and there is one group out there to fight them, Venus. This small group is made of a hardened woman, an old man, a scared pre-teenage girl and what appears to be a 5 year old girl. They all have their own special abilities and are very good at using them, but two of them are more connected than they know and are the key to the fate of the world.
DVD Review: Defiance

“We may be hunted like animals, but we will not become animals.”- Tuvia Bielski- Defiance
Blu-ray Review: Ghostbusters
"Don't cross the streams."
Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! Who could have predicted that 25 years later, Ghostbusters would still be a household name? To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of this beloved, Academy Award Nominated movie, Sony has released the original Ghostbusters film on Blu-ray!