DVD Review: The Simpsons Season 12
One night in April of 1987, my brother Dan insisted that the whole family stop whatever we were doing to watch some show I’d never even heard of called The Tracey Ullman Show. One of us must have grumbled about it, because he launched into a defensive explanation immediately.
DVD Review: Death Note, L change the WorLd
The Death Note franchise takes on the question of what L did with his last 23 days. Of course this storyline is unique to the live action series, not the manga or anime series. Death Note: L change the World is fun, fantastic, full of action and lots and lots of L being L.
DVD Review: Kaze no Stigma, Volume 2-Fire
The second and final volume of Kaze No Stigma provides 12 episodes that do help tie the series together but at the same time leaves us wondering… why? The first 5 episodes cover the budding relationship between Kazuma and Ayano. Or should I say, the goofy ways Ayano's Father try to get them together. They also introduce the new character, Katherine McDonald, who is also a Fire user from America out to prove that her family is tops in the Fire world.
DVD Review: Jinki: Extended, The Complete Series
Cute girls, sexy women and mechs. What else could any decent Otaku want in a series? There is a dark secret about this group of people associated with these powerful machines, but there are also several twists along the way to discovering the secrets.
DVD Review: Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks review

Trunks, as everyone knows, beat an opponent that Goku had trouble taking out. Who he was and where he came from was only slightly touched upon in the main run of Dragonball Z and you were never told the whole story. Well, Dragonball Z: The History of Trunks tells the story of when he came to be and the future he came from.
DVD Review: G.I. JOE The Complete Series
Originally airing in the early 1980s when Hasbro re-launched its classic toy line of military action heroes, this series introduced characters with unique personalities and his or her own military specialty. It was basically a 30-minute commercial but I loved every minute of it. I haven’t seen any of these episodes since watching them after school in youth. I may be clouded by nostalgia but I get a kick out of reliving the adventures of Duke, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Flint, Lady Jaye and rest of the Joe team.
DVD Review : Sons of Anarchy Season 1
So, when you need to have a cutting edge subject to formulate a drama around, who do you think of? I know that one of the most public of street gangs, the motorcycle club, didn’t spring to the top of the list. But with great writing and excellent casting, Fox has pulled it off with Sons of Anarchy.
Manga Review: Bleach volume 28: Baron’s Lecture Full-Course
Bleach Vol. 28: Baron's Lecture Full-Course continues the Bleach saga with Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryû Ishida and Chad Sado finishing their first battle in Hueco Mundo ("Hollow World"). Now all they have to do is get to Las Noches ("The Nights").
Blu-ray Review: State of Play
"[I like holding the audience just at that point] where confusion and intrigue… coexist"– director Kevin Macdonald, from the commentary
State of Play is the new release from Universal by the director of The Last King of Scotland and the writer of Lions for Lambs. The movie dances just a little too close to the abovementioned line and made barely a ripple when it was released in theaters in April ($35 million domestically) but it is a worthy effort with an A-list cast that is a must-see for political junkies.
Blu-ray Review: Dexter: The Third Season
In plenty of time for the premiere of The Fourth Season on Showtime next month (September 27th, 2009), Dexter: The Third Season is out on Blu-ray now from Paramount so you can relive the excitement of last season, or experience it for the first time, all in the best way possible: 1080p resolution and Dolby Digital TrueHD 5.1.
Blu-ray Review: Duplicity
Tony Gilroy the screenwriter defeats Tony Gilroy the director in this new release from the writer/director of Michael Clayton. Julia Roberts and Clive Owen (Children of Men) star as former government agents who get involved with industrial espionage and each other while they try to con dueling titans of industry played by Paul Giamatti (Sideways, American Splendor) and Tom Wilkinson (Batman Begins, The Full Monty).
Book Review: Ponyo Picture Book

When a gold fish girl runs away from home, she winds up getting stuck in a jar until a young boy named Sosuke finds her. He gets her out by breaking the jar, but he cuts his finger. As Sosuke picks up the gold fish, she licks the blood off his finger. Sosuke put the gold fish in a green bucket and named the gold fish Ponyo. Then his mom, Lisa, calls that it is time to go to school. Sosuke takes Ponyo with him, and as he is riding in the car, he realizes that his cut is gone. After Sosuke’s mother goes to work at the senior center, which is right next to his school, he shows Ponyo to some of the seniors. One of the seniors thinks Ponyo is a bad omen, so she starts to freak out. Afraid that he would have to get rid of Ponyo, Sosuke runs and hides under a rock by the sea.