CC2010: The Other Guys Press Conference Interview
ComicsOnline was on hand at The Other Guys' press conference at Comic-Con 2010. On the interview panel were Mark Wahlberg, Will Farrell, Eva Mendes and Adam McKay.
CC2010: Archer Interviews pt 2: Judy Greer
Comic-Con San Diego 2010: Internet geek icon Kroze interviews Judy Greer who plays Cheryl/Carol on Archer. They also discuss the recently announced Arrested Development movie.
CC2010: Interview with Fringe Star Jasika Nicole (Astrid Farnsworth)
Fringe’s Jasika Nicole, who plays Astrid Farnsworth, was the first of our roundtable guest. This lovely young lady answered all our questions, except the ones that would have given spoilers. She was also surprised that we were fans and knew so much about the show.
ComicsOnline: Is there anything exciting for your character next season?
Comic Con 2010 Interview: Fringe Producers Jeff Pinkner And J. H. Wyman
Fringe Executive Producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman are interviewed in a round table session. They would not divulge spoilers, but are very excited about the new season, and that we are knowledgeable fans ourselves.
Question: What can you tell us about the next season?
Both: Absolutely nothing.
Question: [Laughs; incoherent] Nothing?
Jeff Pinkner: Well, we don’t want to ruin it for you! It’s like Christmas. One opens the presents on Christmas day.
J.H. Wyman: There’s lots of love and a reason they’re all wrapped nice in colored paper and bows. Hopefully there are twenty-two of them
ComicsOnline Comic-Con 2010 Interview Coverage
San Diego Comic Con 2010 is over and the staff spent four days covering the events, panels, and more interviews than we can count, so many in fact that they are constantly being moved to another page. To make the video interviews easier to find here’s a list and the links to our interviews.