
– Celebrating 25 Years of Everything Geek Pop Culture!


Advance Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Stranger Things #1

Ah, To be young and traveling. I know that much like me, you remember your first trip to New York. The buildings, the pizza, the eternally teenaged mutant turtles trained in the ancient art of ninjutsu. No? Just me? Huh.

Advance Review: Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor Hal Jordan is currently flying high after the first two stellar installments in his new ongoing series, but what new nightmares await him in the Dawn of DC crossover Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1?  Creative Team:Writer:…

Comic Book Review: The Complete Irredeemable 

by Joe Schickman, Reporter Official Synopsis: When the Plutonian, the world’s greatest superhero, snaps and turns into the world’s greatest villain, only his former teammates have a chance at stopping his rampage. But while on the run from the world’s most powerful…

Comic Book Review: Peacemaker Tries Hard #3

“I’m becoming aware that I must be incredibly unlikeable.”

Me too, Peacemaker, me too. This kind of realization comes to many of us, but hopefully like me, you just consider it a part of your charm. I certainly think of it as part of Peacemaker’s, especially in this week’s Peacemaker Tries Hard #3!

Comic Book Review: Captain America #750

A nice milestone hodgepodge for The First Avenger making it 3/4 of the way to the biggie that only Superman and Batman have reached so far. Overall, a solid volume, uneven as these buffet-style compilations are, but what’s not to love about a triple-sized dose of red, white and blue uplift this Independence Day? ComicsOnline gives Captain America #750 – (!) a patriotic July 4 out of 5 stars.

Comic Book Review: Batman: The Brave and the Bold #2

If this is the style that we can continue expecting from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, we’re in for quite a treat. The stories within have done a great job at investing the reader in sticking around for the next chapter, while presenting an opportunity for some wonderful one-offs that can serve to deepen our connection to these characters and their struggles.

Comic Book Review: X-Men: Before the Fall – Heralds of Apocalypse

X-Men: Before the Fall – Heralds of Apocalypse deals with a character canonically older than civilization so a little backstory is justified even for the most ardent comic heads. It was OVER a millennium ago, 1986 ’twas, that the X-Men were roaring along so hard under Chris Claremont that Marvel decided to dip into the well again and break off the original X-Men (Cyclops, Angel, Beast, etc.) into a new team book of their own and leave the new kids of Storm and Wolverine and everybody to play by themselves…

Comic Book Review: Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1

The Darkest Hour is looming high over the Power Rangers, and now one of their worst enemies has returned as well. What does Lord Drakkon have in mind this time, and why is he so anxious to return to his home dimension? Get ready, because the fate of the world now rests in the hands of…The Drakkon Rangers?!?

Comic Book Review: Ultimate Invasion #1

Can Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Black Panther, Professor X, Namor, and Black Bolt team up as The Illuminati again and together both determine The Maker’s plan and stop it before it’s too late?