SDCC 2014: Mike Tyson Mysteries – Jim Rash Interview
by Zach Dune McKay, Editor We know Jim Rash from his role as Dean Pelton on NBC’s Community. We know of the Marquess of Queensbury from the back up story in Avengers #201. We have always loved Scooby Doo…
SDCC 2014: Mike Tyson Interview
by Zach Dune McKay, Editor We had the honor of being invited to one of the most bizarre gatherings at San Diego Comic-Con this year. With a strangeness even outreaching the still-uncomfortable annual grope session between The Venture Bros’ Doc…
SDCC 2013: The Venture Brothers Interview
Join ComicsOnline’s Dune at San Diego Comic-Con 2013 as he takes over as the object of Doc Hammer’s affection, while Doc’s usual huggy buddy Kroze has gone of to stay with family, carrying Doc’s love child. Also we talk to Doc, Jackson Publick, and Patrick Warburton about music, fan expectations, and The Venture Brothers.
Blu-Ray Review: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 2-Disc Special Edition
Everyone out of the pool! We have reports of giant fleas!
DVD Review: Lost Boys: The Thirst
“The Black Dalai Lama? Never heard of him. We’re keeping the cover.”
Lost Boys: The Thirst looks better than any straight to DVD movie I have ever seen. The few special effects worked, looked like a theatrically released movie and didn’t add to any cheesiness. The lighting, quality and all other visual components far exceeded my expectations. If you randomly walked in on any scene you wouldn’t get the “oh, I must have passed out watching the Twilight Zone and woke up during a Bruce Campbell-less SyFy original movie” feeling.
CC2010: Marvel Anime: Iron Man
After the Marvel Animation panel at Comic-Con 2009, I was overwhelmed with excitement about the Marvel Anime series. Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men and Blade all done up with stunning art and stories by my all-time favorite writer, Warren Ellis. Eff yeah! After seeing the first episode of the Iron Man anime this year, my excitement largely trickled away.
Jeph Loeb Named Head of Marvel Television
Jeph Loeb has officially been named the Head of Marvel Television. Marvel Studios proved themselves in the theaters with the release of their first project independent of other film studios, Iron Man. Now, they're setting their sites on television and hired the best man for the job. No stranger to comics or TV, Jeph Loeb could potentially bring Iron Man-caliber projects to the small screen. He has already proved himself as a producer/writer on both Lost and Heroes (don't worry, he had enough sense to get himself fired after the second season) and has already hinted at live-action Marvel superhero shows in development.
DVD Review: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: The Complete Fifth Season
Now, this is a story all about how
My weekend got flipped-turned upside down
This is ComicsOnline
Just sit right there
I'll tell you all about the season 5 set of Bel-Air
DVD Review: Flight of the Conchords: The Complete Second Season
Flight of the Conchords is one of those shows that, though many of your friends may be into it as well, still feels like it’s “your show”. The series is based around New Zealand’s comedy-folk-hip-hop duo, Flight of the Conchords, and their struggles to make it big (or play a paying gig) in New York. What sets Flight of the Conchords apart from other comedy TV shows is the plot-relevant music videos seamlessly intertwined into the story of each episode.
CC09 – Kevin Eastman Panel
It was upsetting to learn that the show that I thought of as my own in my formative years started as a joke. 25 years ago, Kevin Eastman co-created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a mockery of the ridiculous, over-the-top TV shows and comics of the day. Now a 47 year old father, he discussed the creation and legacy of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as his current projects at his panel at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con (which he has faithfully attended since 1986).
DVD Review: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Season 1.1