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ComicsOnline Staff

Supernatural – Interview With Misha Collins (Castiel)

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-In-Chief ComicsOnline is back with more interviews with the cast of Supernatural! Our next SDCC 2016 featured interview is with Misha Collins, better known as Castiel! What is in store for the team this season? Our favorite…

Comic Review: Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah

by Mike Lunsford, Editor Artist Nicolas Otero has published a graphic novel titled Who Killed Kurt Cobain? The Story of Boddah. It gives a new perspective on the life and times of one of rock & roll’s most influential singer/songwriters: Kurt…


Podcast: ComicsOnline Pirate Radio – Halloween Episode!

by Mike Lunsford, Editor Welcome foolish mortals to the haunted ComicsOnline/ComicsOnline Pirate Radio Podcast!! It’s that time of year again, and what better way to celebrate Halloween than to talk about horror movies, TV shows, comics, and video games! Kevin,…

Mike Lunsford’s Top 6 Horror Movies!

Mike Lunsford, Editor   It’s Halloween time ladies and gentlemen! And what better movies to watch during this time of year than horror flicks! What better way to celebrate this wonderful time of year than a list of my favorite…

SDCC 2016: Comic Con’s Scariest Cosplayers!

  Halloween is right around the corner. Looking for costumes is easy as looking back to some of the Cosplayers at this year’s Con. If you thought Halloween was scary, you did not attend this year’s Comic Con.  The annual…

Andy Bartsch’s Top Horror Movies

by Andy Bartsch, reporter In following with our recent podcast and the article editor Mike Lunsford wrote, I crafted my own list of favorite horror movies. Back in the old days when I wrote for GGR, I had a list…

Podcast: Pirate Radio- The Time Lards: 1991

by Mike Lunsford, Editor Welcome back to ComicsOnline Pirate Radio! We’re continuing our flashback to the 1990s called “The Time Lards.” This week’s episode: “Cal Gave Us Crabs.” Mike, Steve, Kevin, and EK the DJ hop into the DeLorean to…

Podcast: Pirate Radio TRAVELS THROUGH TIME!!! 1990

by Mike Lunsford, Editor This week, Mike, Steve, Kevin, and EK the DJ TRAVEL THROUGH TIME!!!! to the year 1990. The crew talk about The year that began the ’90s. They talk about everything geek pop culture from 1990: TV,…

Podcast: Pirate Radio S2 E21 Life, Death and Art

by Mike Lunsford, Editor This week Mike, Steve, EK, and Kevin talk about heroes that we’ve lost, icons that we would miss the most if they were die now and discuss whether it’s better to “burn out” or “fade away.”…

Happy 50th Anniversary Star Trek!

Back in April, the ComicsOnline Podcast team did their tribute to Star Trek in honor of it’s 50th anniversary. We did a little spoof that features the vocal talents of ComicsOnline regulars Kevin Gaussoin, Mike Lunsford, EK the DJ, Andy…

Podcast: ComicsOnline Pirate Radio – Totally 80’s

by Mike Lunsford, Editor Welcome aboard for another great episode of ComicsOnline Pirate Radio! Episode 20 is all about the 80’s! This week, Mike, Eric, EK, Kevin and their special guest Chelsea D talk about that great neon-colored decade. They talk about some…

Podcast: Pirate Radio S2 E17 – Comicbook/Superhero Movies

by Mike Lunsford, Editor  Welcome aboard for another great episode of ComicsOnline Pirate Radio. Episode 17 is titled Comicbook/Superhero Movies (Ass to Ass). Mike, EK, Steve, and Erik Meyer talk nerd culture and it’s tendency to rage and troll others. They…

Podcast: ComicsOnline Pirate Radio-Mongolians Aren’t Lizards, Man

Welcome aboard for another episode of ComicsOnline Pirate Radio! Episode 16 of season 2 “Mongolians Aren’t Lizards, Man.” This episode Mike, EK the DJ, and Erik Meyer are joined by Editor in Chief of ComicsOnline Kevin Gaussoin and Fantastic Forum’s producer…

Editorial: Movies That Need A Sequel/Remake

by Mike Lunsford, Editor On the most recent ComicsOnline Pirate Radio Podcast, I made reference to Andy coming up with the idea to talk about Sequels/Remakes/Reboots from an article I wrote for GGR. Well…here it is. I updated it and…


Podcast: ComicsOnline Pirate Radio S2E15-Remakes, Reboots, and Sequels

Welcome back to ComicsOnline Pirate Radio! Our 15th episode of season 2 is titled “Remakes, Reboots, and Sequels” or “Gary Busey Yells at Remotes.” This episode Mike, Steve, Andy and EK the DJ talk about reboots, remakes, and sequels whether…