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ComicsOnline Staff

Podcast: Pirate Radio- The Time Lards: 1998

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor This week’s episode: “Animal Crackers, Dial Up, and Boy Bands.” Mike, Kevin and their guest Dune hop into the DeLorean (or, the “Retardis” as Dune calls it) to travel back to the year 1998. The…

Editorial: X-Men: Apocalypse and What SHOULD Be Next

by Mike Lunsford, Editor ComicsOnline is a diverse community. Within the confines of our geek pop-culture loving family, we’ve got stalwarts like Matt Sernaker (Managing Editor) who reviews movies as they come out. He also gets to see stuff before…

Editorial: Parrot Heads vs Comic-Con

by Mike Lunsford, editor You put your hands over your head, making a simulated shark fin. As the song proceeds and Mr. Buffett states “fins to the left,” you tilt your pseudo-fin to the left. As the song goes “fins…

DVD Review: DC Superhero Girls: Intergalactic Games

by Traci Gabaldon, Reporter   In need of an afternoon break or a movie that would entertain young children? Then you should check out DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games. Not only is this film enjoyable for kids, but adults will…

Podcast: S17E15- Savitar, Mary Friggin’ Poppins & Legion

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonSeventeen. EpisodeFifteen. Savitar, Mary Friggin Poppins, and Legion. Recorded May 10th, 2017 at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios via Google Hangouts. Kevin and Mike are joined by…

Podcast: Pirate Radio- Star Wars Talk & 80’s Mixtape “Force-Push It Real Good”

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor ComicsOnline Pirate Radio Season 3 Episode 14: Star Wars Talk and A 80s Mixtape. AKA “Force-Push It Real Good.” Recorded April 20th, 2017 via Google Hangouts at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios. Mike, Steve, Kevin…

WonderCon 2017: Midnight, Texas (Advance Review)

by Emma Smith, Reporter At Wonder-Con 2017, convention attendees got a chance to preview the first episode of NBC’s Midnight, Texas. Based on the book trilogy by Charlaine Harris (Midnight Crossroad, Day Shift, and Night Shift), the series follows a…

Podcast: S17E14- Iron Fist, Star Wars, and Chosen Folk

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor   SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonSeventeen. EpisodeFourteen. Iron Fist, Star Wars, and Chosen Folk. Recorded March 31st, 2017 at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios. Kevin and Mike are joined by Jeremy…

Podcast: S17E13- Comic Focus

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor   SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonSeventeen. EpisodeThirteen. ComicFocus. Kevin has Troy-David Phillips of Flashback Comics back on the show. They are joined by Marc Lutz and the trio discuss comic books,…

Review: Iron Fist- Season One (Episodes 7-13)

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor When it comes to cinematic world-building, Marvel/Disney is the envy of the industry. The same can be said with their television endeavors, especially the Netflix side. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage had established that they really…

Podcast: S17E12 – The Good, The Bad, The Finales

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonSeventeen. EpisodeTwelve. The Good, The Bad, The Finales. Recorded March 9th, 2017 via Skype. Kevin and Mike are joined by Andy Bartsch, artist and contributor. The…

Movie Review: Kong: Skull Island

by Emma Smith, Reporter Take a story about man’s hubris in the face of Mother Nature, add some visual callbacks to Apocalypse Now, drop in CGI reminiscent of the best parts of Jurassic World, wrap it all in classic monster…

Podcast: Pirate Radio- Deep Cuts (YouTube At Own Risk)

  by Mike Lunsford, Editor   ComicsOnline Pirate Radio Season 3 Episode 7 Deep Cuts: AKA YouTube at Own Risk. This Episode was recorded at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios in Fredericksburg, Va February 22, 2017. Mike has Ulysses Campbell…


Podcast: Pirate Radio- Mike’s Birthday Nostalgia Mix-Tape

by Mike Lunsford, Editor ComicsOnline Pirate Radio Season 3 Episode 6: Mike’s Birthday Nostalgia Show. Recorded February 15th, 2017 at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios and via Skype. It’s Mike’s Birthday! He celebrates by having 3 of his favorite people…

Podcast: S17E11 – The Return of the Duke (Jon St. John)

by Mike Lunsford, Editor SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonSeventeen. EpisodeEleven. Return of the Duke. Recorded February 8th, 2017 at the FXBG Pirate Radio Studios and via Skype. Kevin and Mike have the Duke himself, Jon St….