TV Review: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic – “A Canterlot Wedding”
by Kroze “King of the Bronies” Kresky, Media Editor
I can say that without a single doubt that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has been one of the most consistently entertaining and well written shows on television in recent memory, and I have no fear of being ridiculed or laughed at. This is because the show has grown to such enormous levels of popularity, taking over the internet with its massive fanbase at a lightning quick speed that could only be compared to Rainbow Dash making a Sonic Rainboom™.
Special Event: My Little Pony Royal Wedding, A Second Look!
“How do you feel about ponies?”
I was in a parking lot with a friend and a fellow brony when I was asked this random-in-almost-every-scenario question. I could tell there was some underlying reference that I didn’t catch, but I didn’t know how to answer. My ultimate response was a hesitant, “…why?” The aforementioned brony gave a brief but relatively informative breakdown of the show, mentioning some of the puntastic names (i.e. Fillydelphia, Manehattan, etc.), and, if we’re being honest, I wasn’t quite sold. Like most girls, I loved My Little Pony when I was younger. I even had a place for them in my heart of hearts as I went into young adulthood in that Peter Pan “never gonna grow up” kind of way. Despite not having watched the movies or the shows due to my ever-lasting tomboy phase, the ponies never failed to make me smile. But would I, as a young adult, be captivated by this show like some of my peers seem to be?
Movie Review: The Cabin in the Woods
Hey guys, the cellar door just flew open loudly. Let’s check it out!
by Aliki Taylor, Reviewer
Sure, we all love Joss Whedon and we’re already salivating over his upcoming blockbuster The Avengers, but Dollhouse has been off the air for a while, so what’s he been doing? It turns out he spoiled us years ago.
At the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con, Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse) announced on stage that he and Drew Goddard (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cloverfield) were co-writing something, describing, “It is a film called Cabin in the Woods, and it is the horror film to end all horror films. Literally. And more about that, I will not say.” Nearly five years later, we now know what he meant.
(Spoiler-free review ahead!)
WonderCon 2012: Regular Show – Interview with J.G. Quintel
by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor
Cartoon Network’s Regular Show dropped into WonderCon 2012 to grace us with their unique brand of humor. Intreped ComicsOnline’s own Kroze (Media Editor) had a bit of time to chat up and goof around with show creator and voice actor, J.G. Quintel, who plays Mordecai. Check out the zanyness that ensued!
TV Review: The Walking Dead – “Beside The Dying Fire” (Season Finale)
“We have to get off the farm!” -Glen
WonderCon 2012: Marvel Animation Panel
by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor
Marvel Animation came to WonderCon 2012 fully prepared to blow the audiences away as they took the lid off of their Marvel Universe block on Disney XD (premiering April 1st).
TV Review: Community – “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts”
by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor
Community finally returns from their mid season hiatus, which left fans begging for more of the wacky antics from our favorite study group. Jeff, Annie, Pierce, Britta, Troy, Abed, and Shirley don’t waste any time in “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts”, as they are immedately thrown into having a wedding right at Greendale!
TV Review: The Walking Dead – “Better Angels”
by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor
Beware! This article contains Spoilers for Season Two of The Walking Dead!!!
Why hello new episode of The Walking Dead! Nice to see you have finally returned to us in full form!
Blu-Ray Review: The Lion King 2 and 1 ½
by Guest Reviewer Chuck Lindas
When Disney’s The Lion King was released in 1994, a 15 year old version of me went to see it with my dad and little sister. Of course, we all loved it and sitting together as a family while the credits rolled, dad said, ever so prophetically, “That was really great and I appreciated it all the more, knowing that this will probably be the last gold old fashioned animated film for Disney.” Of course, he was entirely wrong. Disney has released nearly 20 classic animation features since then. In fairness to dear old dad, Toy Story was to come out the following year and rightly so was expected to completely alter the landscape of animated films.
ComicsOnline Exclusive: XBox Australia Mass Effect 3 Preview Event
HUGE thank you to the amazing (and incredibly lucky) Kerrie for providing this for us! — Karissa & ComicsOnline
by Kerrie Hui, Guest Reporter
I will admit it: I was late into the Mass Effect craze, and by late I mean so late that by the time I had won tickets for the Mass Effect 3 Sydney Preview and Media Event, I was only just removing the shrink wrap for ME1. It does however provide me a fantastic opportunity to tell you that by playing both 1 and 2 and jumping straight into 3, the differences between the three are fairly noticeable – they just keep getting better and better.
Video Exclusive: Green Lantern: The Animated Series – Interview with Bruce Timm
We had the chance to sit down and talk with legendary creator Bruce Timm (Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League) about his new show Green Lantern: The Animated Series beginning March 3rd (With new episodes starting March 17th!) on Cartoon Network. Check it out to find what lies ahead for Hal Jordan and co. in the upcoming season!
Stay tuned to for more Green Lantern: The Animated Series coverage, and for everything geek pop culture!
COPS12E07 – Kroze Nest
SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonTwelve. EpisodeSeven. KrozeNest. Recorded March 3rd, 2012. This Episode, Kevin and Dune are joined by Kroze and Matt, which makes sense because we recorded this at their apartment. Topics include Josh Keaton’s…
COPS12E06 – Glory Whole Echo
SPOILER ALERT! You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonTwelve. EpisodeSix. GloryWholeEcho. Recorded February 28th, 2012. This Episode, Kevin and Dune are joined by Dix (on leave), and new ComicsOnline Podcasters, Editor Karissa Barrows from The Nerd Machine, and Trev Copland…
Blu-ray Review: The Fades – Season One (and Giveaway Contest!!)
Who would have guessed that the one doing the vast majority of ass-kicking would be the one wearing the purple pants?
(That’s right, Paul. Lookin’ at you, buddy.)
by Karissa Barrows, Editor
I have been raised in the horror genre. In fact, the first movie I can ever remember watching is “The Blob”. Yep, that one with the big pink thing that consumes people. Thanks, Dad. B movies for the win! Anyway, I’ve loved horror ever since. That’s usually Karl’s territory here at ComicsOnline, but I got the Blu-ray copy by accident. So, not only am I going to tell you just a little bit about this amazing series, The Fades, on BBCThree and, as of recent, BBC America, but I’m going to give you the chance to win a DVD of series 1 of your very own.