by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief
The gang’s all here! It’s a new Emerald Dawn, and the Green Lantern Corps is back in action. With the new threat of the Fractured Spectrum, it will take all of our favorite willpower-channeling heroes to stop Sorrow before he creates a new Power Battery. Don’t worry, because an epic team of Lanterns is on the case in Green Lantern Corps #1 from DC!

Official Synopsis:
The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Guy Gardner, Jo Mullein, and all your favorite Lanterns are back in the most incredible ensemble cast this side of the cosmos! All brought to you by the great galactic creative team of Jeremy Adams (Green Lantern), Morgan Hampton (Cyborg) and Fernando Pasarin (The Flash)!
Creative Team:
Writers: Morgan Hampton & Jeremy Adams
Pencils: Fernando Pasarin
Inks: Oclair Albert
Colors: Arif Prianto
Letters: Dave Sharpe
The Green Lantern Corps has been rebuilding since the Green Lantern Civil Corps event, but things are looking brighter than ever for the Emerald warriors. The Guardians of the Universe may have returned (again), but now they are taking a backseat as the Lanterns are making decisions for themselves. Jessica Cruz has been elected Captain of the Corps, helping to usher in a new era for the peacekeeping force. With the Emotional Spectrum in massive disarray, it will take a unique team of Lanterns to stop Sorrow and his Master from enacting their sinister plan. It’s time to head to Tamaran for the first stop in a new cosmic adventure! You will need to pick up the issue to see how it all works out.
If you were a fan of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, then you are in for a massive treat. Jeremy Adams (former writer on the show) has been building to this, and there are a lot of treats in place for those of you who have been following since he launched his take on GL in Dawn of DC. I am beyond thrilled that John, Kyle, Guy, Jo, Jessica, Simon, and Keli are all getting time in the spotlight with this new series that runs in tandem with the main Green Lantern title (featuring Hal), but it was the surprise inclusion of one more Lantern that I think will put this book over the top for readers. I was absolutely thrilled to turn the page and see who has suited up as it will only enhance the dynamics of the book. Visually speaking, Pasarin, Albert, and Prianto make for an impressive trinity of artists who make quite the impression in this opening issue. There are a lot of characters with a lot of movement in this outer space adventure, but all of it feels fluid and seamless. I particularly enjoyed some of the establishing shots and the use of depth to flesh out the new activity on OA, along with the volatility of the new emotional outbreaks.
Green Lantern Corps is a book that I’ve wanted to see for years, and this creative team has me hooked. This first chapter is perfectly executed by a creative team that has the willpower to pull this off in style.
ComicsOnline gives Green Lantern Corps #1 – 5 out of 5 perfect times to be a Green Lantern fan.
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