by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief
Remember when the New Mutants met the Hellions back in 1983’s New Mutants #16? Empath and Hellion were jerks way back then. In NYX #5, they are still jerks, just on a bigger scale.

Official Description:
They’ve been fired, arrested, thrown out, beaten and betrayed: NYC is putting MS. MARVEL, WOLVERINE, ANOLE, PRODIGY and SOPHIE CUCKOO through the wringer. But there’s no time to rest: A riot’s brewing where the machinations of THE QUIET COUNCIL and the hatred of the TRUTHSEEKERS will come to an electric collision – for the fate of every mutant in the city!
Creative Team:
Writer: Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Inker: Elizabetta D’Amico
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Cover Artists: Sara Pichelli and Federico Blee; Joshua “Sway” Swaby
Spend enough (too much?) time on the internets and you’ll eventually find people who are freakishly tone-deaf about what comics like X-Men are really all about at their core. As always, NYX writers Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing understand what the characters in this and the rest of the X-books represent.
“Ashes,” says Sophie. “That’s the word that keeps rolling around in my head as I watch the humans fall right into the trap. Just like he said they would. As they throw around words like ‘Krakoan National’ and ‘Deportation’ and ‘Mutant Exclusion Zone.’ As they see every detail except the way they’ve been set up. All that conversation about community? Ashes.”
In NYX, Mutants are minorities. They have different colored skin. They have different religions. They have different languages, cultures, and ways of dressing. Some of them have different genders or sexualities. It seems simple. If your family votes against all reasonable sense? Just disconnect from those cuckoos and do what’s right.
But how can you do something like that? With a little help with that excellent orator Kamala?
But wait, we were talking about NYX, right? Maybe this issue was published a bit too late and read by too few of those who might successfully get the point and make a change in themselves and do the right thing.
Or maybe it’s here to remind the lot of us that no matter the timing, our good intentions coupled with our good deeds will spread. Even if right now it still tastes like ashes.
ComicsOnline gives NYX #5 a perfect 5 out of 5 heartfelt righteous endings to our beginning arc.

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