by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief
The brothers are back in action as the adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continue! Unless you’ve been hiding in your shell, you probably know that Jason Aaron and a plethora of talented comic book creators have been on overdrive with the first three installments of the new ongoing TMNT series. Each issue has been stunning to say the least, and the last chapter was easily worthy of an Eisner Award. Now that “Return to New York” has reached its fourth installment, it’s time for Donatello’s time in the spotlight. Grab your favorite pizza and get ready because Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 is coming soon to your local comic book store.

Official Synopsis:
Chris Burnham returns to art duties this issue as we finally learn the fate of Donatello! Trapped in a mutant zoo and forced to fight rich men looking for a thrill, his mind is still broken since last we saw him. As mysterious forces gather against him, can Donnie gather himself to defeat these enemies and set himself free? Superstar writer Jason Aaron continues his exploration of the individual Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, setting the stage for their reunion.
Creative Team:
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Chris Burnham
Colorist: Brian Reber
Letterer: Shawn Lee
As last seen in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Alpha, Donnie is not looking so great. The events of the last TMNT series have definitely taken their toll on the tech-savvy brother, and now we get to learn how he wound up in a Mutant Zoo. I’m going to avoid spoilers as to the events of the book, but once again, the execution of the story was flawless. Donnie’s story was shocking, heartbreaking, and tragic, and it seems like the bo staff-wielding hero might be truly broken (both mentally and physically). Although the story eventually leads to the promised family reunion, you should be prepared for an emotional roller coaster.
Jason Aaron and his motley crew of creators have consistently provided incredible character-centric stories for the Turtles and it feels like they are just getting started.
ComicsOnline is pleased to give Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 another 5 out of 5 and a flawless opening arc with plenty of Turtle Power!
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