When your Daughter is your Gym Trainer
My Gym Trainer is My Daughter
Caroline has actually been way too busy to be my gym trainer lately. It was her plan not to have a crazy busy senior year at high school, but that’s hard to avoid sometimes. She has not posted any pictures of my work-out “battle faces” or how badly I am messing up a workout, but I am sure she could.
Harry Critter
Harry Critter is now established as the helpful gym owner! I must have cut out his customary “dude” to lower the word count. Keep that exposition limited!
The OG

ComicsOnline posted this version on June 6, 2020.
Critter Coloring

Nova for the Critter Sighting Win!
All the way from Oklahoma, a Critter Sighting! Thank you, Nova!
You, too, could join the #crittertribe! Follow on Instagram (@joe.iconic) or TikTok (@notesfortracy) for more critters! For Critter Stickers and Gear, go to Redbubble and look for the JoeIconic store. All proceeds go to buying more stickers, temporary tattoos, and other sharable promotional swag, and make coloring pages for the children who come through our local crisis charity! Critter fans send Critter Sightings from Amsterdam to Charleston to Oklahoma! Critter Sightings are usually posted on social media on the weekends.
This “Director’s Cut” of the cartoons is exclusively on ComicsOnline.com! Come back to ComicsOnline for Critters, Comic Book Reviews, and Everything Geek Pop Culture!