Hey, I was eating that!
Miata Ann shows Zee 80 how to get revenge when the boys take you snipe hunting! And forget about it. Another common trope of this cartoon is “Girls Lead the Way.”
The OG

ComicsOnline.com posted the original ink and pencil colored version of this comic on May 2, 2022.
Critter Sighting!

Thank you, Angie, for the Critter Sighting!
You, too, could join the #crittertribe! Follow on Instagram (@joe.iconic) or TikTok (@notesfortracy) for more critters! For Critter Stickers and Gear, go to Redbubble and look for the JoeIconic store. All proceeds go to buying more stickers, temporary tattoos, and other sharable promotional swag, and make coloring pages for the children who come through our local crisis charity. Also, fans send Critter Sightings from Amsterdam to Chicago to the back of this wonderful young lady’s car! Critter Sightings are usually posted on social media on the weekends.
This “Director’s Cut” of the cartoons is exclusively on ComicsOnline.com! Come back to ComicsOnline for Critters, Comic Book Reviews, and Everything Geek Pop Culture!