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Comic Book Review: Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special

by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief

Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special

The end is near…again. The fan-favorite Zero Hour event celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year, and DC has pulled out all the stops for a special adventure featuring Kyle Rayner, Parallax, and more! Get ready, because the Zero Hour: 30th Anniversary Special is now available from DC!

Image provided by DC

Creative Team
Writers: Dan Jorgensen & Ron Marz
Artists: Darryl Banks, Kelley Jones, Tom Grummett, Norm Rapmund, Jerry Orway, Paul Pelletier, Howard Porter, Dan Jurgens, & Brett Breeding
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Lettering: Troy Peteri

Flashback to the DC Universe of 1994. Hal Jordan has just decimated the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe in response to the destruction of Coast City. Only one green light now stands against the darkness of the universe…and that power is in the hands of Kyle Rayner, the last Green Lantern. If you’ve been following our ComicsOnline reviews, you might have noticed that I’m a big Green Lantern fan (this might be an understatement). I’ve enjoyed the epic adventures of Hal, John, Guy, and Alan since I was a kid, but Kyle was the Lantern that I truly connected with. The most powerful weapon in the universe was given to an artist, and his creative constructs were always the highlight of each issue. Kyle’s run as the titular hero was the first that I bought from start to finish, and it continues to be one of my favorite elements of my collection. 

As this story begins, Kyle finds himself assisting an alien world with newly opened portals. Our favorite superhero artist is shocked to find his friend Wally West (also The Flash at that time) bounding out of the mysterious opening with a new warning. A new crisis has arrived and worlds are getting erased. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the past, present, or future…as there’s no escaping the Oblivion Wave. Before he knows it, GL is sucked through the portal and finds himself on a world eerily similar to his own but with key changes. What would have happened if Superman hadn’t returned from the dead? What if Batman never recovered from Bain’s back breaking actions? What if there were no Green Lanterns…? And what if you couldn’t find your way back home? Sorry, I had to go into Sliders for a moment. The plot thickens as Parallax and his forces make their presence known. What ensues is a celebration of all of the next generation characters that were showcased in the 90s, and you’ll have to grab a copy to find out what happens next.

With that being said, the Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special feels like the perfect way to celebrate Kyle’s time in the spotlight and provide a unique and very grounded look at what would have been the future of the DC Universe. The Golden Age to Silver Age transition brought about interesting new heroes and dynamics, and it was great to see what the next generation of “legacy” characters might have done had things played out differently in the DC Universe. 

In addition to the stellar throwback adventure, the Zero Hour special also features gorgeous pinups by Denys Cowan, Chris Sotomayor, Jon Bogdanove, Alex Sinclair, Tony Harris, Rick Leonardi, Matt Herms, Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, Guy Major, Nicola Scott, & Annette Kwok.

This Zero Hour anniversary release truly held up to the concept of a “special” and I’m thrilled to add this to my collection. Don’t miss out on this one.

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives the Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special – 4.5 out of 5 adventures into the history of the DC Universe.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.