by Matt Sernaker, Editor-In-Chief
The new and improved Ultimate Universe just keeps getting better and better. Ultimate Spider-Man continues its epic run with another spectacular installment (now availed at your local comic store).

Creative Team
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Marco Checchetto
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letter: VC’s Cory Petit
After their recent fight with the Kingpin, it’s now time for Peter and Harry to learn more about their StarkTeck suits. With a little help from Otto Octavius, the men begin to explore the differences in technology, as well as some newly discovered enhancements that could make a major tactical difference for future heroics. The new discoveries lead to new opportunities, as well as a major unexpected visitor. Meanwhile, Mary Jane and Gwen go to check out the recent developments at The Paper, only to find that Jonah and Ben have “stepped out”. Who is their mysterious informant and what does this mean for their new business.
The thing that I love most about this new version of the Ultimate Universe is that it doesn’t feel like a rehash. The characterization feels respectful to the heroes and villains that we all know and love, but the energy feels different with the guardrails fully off. Ultimate Spider-Man in particular has a certain energy about it that the 616 Universe has been lacking for some time now, and it’s amazing to see a Spider-Man that is happy AND still focused on making a difference for others. Hickman’s masterful storytelling works perfectly with Checchetto’s stunning art style and Wilson’s creative coloring. The little details add to the fun. Each page is full of incredible elements and I dare you not to focus in on the pages where Peter is eating in costume. The best part about this book? I have no idea where it’s headed and each new chapter brings more twists along with satisfying payoffs. This is another sensational piece of the puzzle.
ComicsOnline gives Ultimate Spider-Man #7 – 5 ultimate arrivals out of 5.
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