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#NotesForTracy 08/26/24

If you had something haunted or cursed, you’d donate it, right?

Thrift Shop Secrets

This idea started as a joke. People drop off all kind of things at thrift store donation centers. For the picture that gives you the creeps, or the davenport that gives you the heebie-jeebies, why not donate it? Therefore, there has to be a person at the Thrift Store Donation Centers that deals with the ghosts and curses, right?

I thought this idea was just another silly thought. Then I shared the joke with thrift store workers at my local favorite charity. More than one staff member confirmed that sometimes there are things that:

Give them the creeps

Things that fall off the shelves of certain donated furniture

Things that customers unconsciously avoid, going out of their way to not go near them

Estate Sales Donations

There is a certain percentage of donations that are the result of someone passing away. Not so much the sports jackets with bullet holes in them. More like, pieces of old furniture, and various odds and ends. Once, the donation center received a family Bible that when back generations, capturing family trees, lists of births and deaths. The kind of thing you would think someone in the family would want, right? Still not the creepiest thing received, though.

The Ghost of Phillip

At this donation center, staff members tell of one of those pieces of furniture that included a medicine bottle, filled with ashes, and a label marked “Phillip.” To this day, when the lights flicker, or things are not where they are supposed to be, staff members speculate whether it is Phillip is near.

Voo Doo Dolls

When the staff started telling stories of creepy donations, the most veteran staff member admitted she donated her collection of Voo Doo Dolls. She said her priest would not bless her house until she got rid of her Voo Doo Doll collection. She protested she only used them for the rival bowling team.

The OG posted the original ink and pencil colored version of this comic on April 18, 2022. I used the Creepy Doll from the “Girls Dungeons & Dragons Night” cartoon because I liked the design.

And Here’s Something Not Creepy at All!

To cleanse the supernatural talk, here’s something completely different!

Critter Sighting in the Swiss Alps! Thank you, Liz, for spreading the Critters to faraway places! You, too, could join the #crittertribe! Follow on Instagram (@joe.iconic) or TikTok (@notesfortracy) for more critters! For Critter Stickers and Gear, go to Redbubble and look for the JoeIconic store. Featured merchandise above! All proceeds (still holding at $17) buy stickers and make coloring pages for the children who come through our local crisis charity. Also, fans take the stickers and send in pictures of Critter Sightings from London to Amsterdam to Rome and the Swiss Alps! Critter Sightings are usually posted on social media on the weekends. This “Director’s Cut” of the cartoons is exclusively on! Come back to ComicsOnline for Critters, Comic Book Reviews, and Everything Geek Pop Culture!

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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.