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#NotesForTracy 08/23/24

Bro! Dramatic reveal!

The Goat Man Revealed, and Some Thoughts about Stan Lee

Mostly. Stay tuned for next week’s comics for a full explanation of this mysterious critter with horns! Technically, he has appeared in the comics on many occasions, but I keep re-introducing him for new readers. Stan Lee had this philosophy that every comic book could be the first comic book that a reader read (or at least first comic book of Spider-Man or other superhero.) Every comic had some exposition about radioactive spider bites or gamma rays. Long time readers could skip that redundant introduction exposition, and dive into the story. This same thought process made the Spider-Man newspaper strips unbearably redundant; the first panel had to recap the story so far, and very little progress could be made, narratively speaking.

The OG comic posted the original version of this comic on April 15, 2022. Spreading the dialogue out to three panels versus two makes a quicker read, and fits the Instagram Reel and TikTok formats better. The older cartoons look a little out of resolution because I did not have the image sizes down, but at least they look better than the FIRST versions. Taking pictures on my phone of doodles on sticky pads was about as low-tech as you can get, and it showed.

Featured Fan Art (by Princess!)

Want more Critters?

You, too, could join the #crittertribe! Follow on Instagram (@joe.iconic) or TikTok (@notesfortracy) for more Critters! For Critter Stickers and Gear, go to Redbubble and look for the JoeIconic store. All proceeds go to buying/distributing stickers and making coloring pages for the children who come through our local crisis charity. Also, members of the #crittertribe take the stickers and send in pictures of Critter Sightings from London to Amsterdam to Rome and on a wonderful young artist named Princess! Critter Sightings are usually posted on the weekends, but will also be on this site! The featured Fan Art like the one above is the driving force behind these comics. This “Director’s Cut” of the cartoons is exclusively on! Come back to ComicsOnline for Critters, Comic Book Reviews, and Everything Geek Pop Culture!

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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.