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#NotesForTracy 08/05/24

Grandsplaining Snipe Hunting

The Art of Grandsplaining

It’s not really “grandsplaining” when you listen to the over-exposition of your elders, is it? If I mansplain mansplaining to you, am I part of the problem? It feels like a trap! Mansplaining contains the element of condensing or patronizing. That is never the case with Grand Critter.

The Opposite of Grandsplaining

I am a strong advocate of capturing the oral history of our elders! In the very brief time that I taught history (and paid to explain things) my high school students went out and interviewed elderly members of the community. I sponsored an oral history project between the Delta Junction High School (Go Huskies) and the local Lions Club when I lived in remote Alaska. It’s one thing to learn history. Seeing how it impacts people you know can be a positive experience. I am also a fan of the StoryCorp approach. The Age of Information is the Age of Increased Isolation.

College Made Me Do It

When I attended Clemson University, I interviewed someone who had witnessed the last Civil Rights Era public hanging in Seneca, South Carolina. This was not the last hanging in South Carolina, as I later taught a student whose father was the last to hang someone (in the early 1990s,) which was not a mob but just a plain old homicide.

Works Progress Administration

I later learned that the Works Project Administration paid people to interview former slaves during the Great Depression. The narratives captured many important perspectives. The committee that put together the list of questions to ask thankfully included some questions about ghost stories, and captured tales of heints, ghost lights. and rich folklore that was thankfully was not lost to time.

The OG Comic posted this comic on March 28, 2022.

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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.