It’s on the Internet. It has to be true.
The Paranormal Investigations Continue!
The Goat Man becomes the next target of Spike and Norville’s Paranormal Investigations. Maybe check your sources? Especially since Trollbot happens to be in the gym for some reason. Maybe Trollbot heard them call the gym “The Church of Iron” and had to check it out? Or maybe Trollbot is covering all his disinformation bases. Check your sources, kids!
The Goat Man
As for as cryptids go, there is more than one Goat Man urban legend story. Kentucky and Maryland have their own Goat Man stories, but the Louisville, Kentucky version calls their Goat Man “The Pope Lick Monster” and includes a bridge. Goats and bridges go together like the Three Billy Goats Gruff, right? I like the inversion of the goats being the bad guys. Because I have a goat.
The Prince George County Maryland version of the Goat Man also includes a bridge, but doubles down on the folklore tropes by blending it with one of our country’s Cry Baby Bridge. I grew up less than a mile next to one of these bridges where young children perished in an accident when the car when into the water, but never heard the paranormal ghost aspect of the bridge until after college. The Cry Baby Bridge near Brunson South Carolina is no more, as the routes into the back fields changed, and the woods and the river took it back.
The OG comic (aka First Draft)