I don’t think that’s Pre-Workout that has Spike turning color! It is also fun to make Spike blush. As a girl dad, I find nothing wrong with potential suitors being a little nervous.
Gym Rats
I try to go to the gym four to five days a week for resiliency as much as health. Social is actually a part of my gym life, too. A little small talk, a little weightlifting, and a little cardio makes a great way to start the day! Real life is constantly an inspiration for comics, so of course the gym made it into the cartoons as a setting. The idea is that Spike and Norville are supposed to be working at the gym to work off their massive unpaid gym dues.
First Draft

I posted the original ink and pencil color version of this cartoon on March 14, 2022. Do you ever get the cringe feeling you get when you look how you dressed in elementary school? Or that pixie cut you thought was a good idea at the time? Me, neither, but my daughter does. That’s what I am feeling when I look at the first drafts. All the self-promotion stickers are distracting, and makes it look a little like the NASCAR race car of cartoons. It was still fun coloring Spike blushing, though!