Scary Larry’s Heroes Journey is like no other! You get extra credit if you recognize the obscure reference! “The Phantom Windbreaker” is the name of a parody country music song that was released in 1980 by Red Sovine. Woodrow Wilson “Red” Sovine was known for his songs about truck drivers. He passed away the same year “The Phantom Windbreaker” was released in a vehicle accident on the highway. Somewhere in my memories, there is a file named “Silly Country Music Songs I giggled to when Elementary Age,” which includes this song and Sneaky Snake by Tom T. Hall. So cheers to the late, great Red Sovine, and thank you for bringing joy and scatalogical humor to the world.

The first draft of this joke was posted March 7, 2022. I upgraded the setting from the so-called “Red Bank Welcome Center” to the Scooby-Doo inspired mansion and changed their punishment to cleaning the Doom Lounge. I like the idea of the villain taking prisoners, and obviously having no plan what to do with them.