One of my favorite tropes of comic books is that of the henchman. The good guys never seem to have them. Maybe it’s because of henchmen like Scary Larry! Original version below!

Posted on ComicsOnline on March 4, 2022! The bags are hard to read: “Bed, Bath, and Beyond the Pale” and “Dollar Dollar Bill, Yo Store.” Scary Larry and the local Dollar Store is a recurring theme. Dollar Stores are such good material for jokes. In my brief time as a substitute teacher, I tried to convince classes that the multiple Dollar Stores in the area was the secret government plan in case of zombies. The Dollar Stores are so close together, you could run from one to the other to gather supplies and feed yourself while you are waiting on the National Guard to eradicate the undead. It was supposed to lead to a conversation about critical thinking and disinformation but was primarily a timewaster for teachers who did not leave a good lesson plan to follow in their absence!
“Chorizo Tacos” is a reference to “The Land of the Lost” movie, which is a cult favorite in our household. We quote this movie and Idiocracy almost word-for-word. And speaking of zombies, add “Shaun of the Dead” to that list of our favorite movies.
Also, I love the idea of a lack of henchman due to opportunities in the gig economy. I imagine most of the henchmen go to work for Door Dash or Grub Hub. It has to be slightly better than being shot at by death rays, serving as cannon fodder for superheroes on the way to the Big Boss, right?