So my daughter and I occasionally binge watch “Ghost Adventurers” and make fun of the tropes, which include a recurring bit when they go into a place, and taunt potential undead denizens of an allegedly haunted locale. The whole premise of the idea seems to be that the restless spirits must be experiencing some FOMO, right?
Here’s the ink and pencil color version, posted on March 2, 2022 which wandered off into Monty Python and Christmas Story references. My family has discussed that an important part of family is someone to get your references! And, yes, technically Spike committed a breach of etiquette by going straight to the Double Dog Dare.
The original first draft, July 9, 2019. This was actually my first series of critter drawings that attempted a storyline. In the this version, they were drawn on sticky notes, and put into my wife’s lunchbox. She covered the back of her office door at work with them, and occasionally her staff and supervisors would come and catch up on the cartoons. The humble beginnings of #NotesForTracy! I sent copies to the Ghost Adventurers then-Twitter account, but they never responded.