
– Everything Geek Pop Culture!


#NotesForTracy 06/26/24

Pencil/ink version posted February 2022. I stretched out the two panel joke into eight panels to cover Friday’s strip as well. I completely redesigned the look of the Lizardman/Lizardcritter because I liked the early version of the Lizardman from the Moms’ Dungeons and Dragons Game. I still used the original design on the sign for Lizardman rentals because it felt older.

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Joe is a husband, #girldad, and Orphan of Apollo. He has drawn critters since riding the bus in 5th grade, and they have appeared on notes to loved ones, graffiti in a Latin classroom (sorry Rev. Dr Clark!), training slides for work, a newsletter in Alaska, and notes to his wife Tracy, who encouraged him to share them with the world. Contains pop culture references, stuff from the news, but mostly bad dad jokes.