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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: Sons of Star Trek #3

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief

Jake Sisko, Nog, and Alexander Rozhenko have been snapped into an alternate universe by Q Junior! Surprise deep-cut guest stars abound and stick around! Dukat is the Captain?! What’s next? Tribbles and Moopsy living together? Let’s look into this Sons of Star Trek

Official Description:
In a-SNAP!-turn of events, Q Jr has kidnapped three of Starfleet’s eldest sons and transported them to an alternate reality. By way of a bold maneuver with Lieutenant Jadzia at the helm, the U.S.S. Avery crew finally avoided being turned to shrapnel by the Breen… for now. But the crew now face a new challenge: The infamous Curzon maneuver has left them sitting dead in space, and the Breen have already begun infiltrating the ship. To make matters worse, QJ’s powers have stopped working. It’s do or die for Jake Sisko and the crew of the Avery-for real this time!

Creative Team:
Writer: Morgan Hampton
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Clayton Cowles

The Breen have infiltrated the ship using personal cloaking devices like Predators, but Nog can hear their movements with his Ferengi ears. Alexander dons a Breen Boushh-like helmet in order to see the cloaked Breen as well. Danger is all around and one must fall!

As I’ve mentioned before, the best Star Trek comics feature good likenesses of the original television characters. In Sons of Star Trek, Angel Hernandez continues to nail their expressions and personas consistently. Likewise Hernandez’ action sequences and panel layouts tell the story with appropriate pacing. 

We’ve been narrated through each of these 3 initial Sons of Star Trek issues by Jake, then Alexander, and now Nog. Each has told his own story, sharing their overarching life struggles and starting on their way to coming to terms with them. Next issue surely must be Q Junior doing likewise. But is the coming of age of a Q even a good thing? Even one partly raised by “Aunt Kathy”? I guess we’ll find out next issue. 

See you there!

Rating: ★★★★☆
ComicsOnline gives Sons of Star Trek #3 – 4 out of 5 alternate Qniverses.

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