by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief
It’s Premiere Week of Marvel’s latest crossover: Blood Hunt! Week one starts with Free Comic Book Day: Blood Hunt/X-Men #1, Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5, and here with Blood Hunt #1. Will Blood Hunt’s ambitious 50+ issue crossover mega-event be a mega-hit like Secret Wars or House of X / Powers of X? Or will it be a weak disappointment like Atlantis Attacks or Secret Wars 2? Or worse, an anger-inspiring story like One More Day/Brand New Day or dare I say Fall of X? Let’s take a quick look after the cover image at some *SPOILERS AHEAD*

Official Description:
The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood. Earth’s final night has fallen – can even the heroes of this doomed world stem the tide of blood that is to come? Join the AVENGERS, BLADE, BLOODLINE, SPIDER-MAN, HUNTER’S MOON, TIGRA, DOCTOR STRANGE and CLEA as the dance of death begins in BLOOD HUNT #1!
Creative Team:
Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Pepe Larraz
Colorist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
When I was a kid, Marvel generally stopped having vampires because of a spell known as the Montesi Formula. It was a whole thing over the course of a few early ’80s years in Marvel’s Doctor Strange, Dracula Lives, and even an X-Men Annual (remember when the annuals were the domain of all the crossovers? Kinda makes you miss Atlantis Attacks, doesn’t it?).
We could really cut all this short if we could just get a character in the Marvel Universe to say (repeat after me): “Daemoneth chthon…dibilibus rhalhma…infernibus invohileth…calthnum terbolec. Holo erasma rabis katerama lucem dei paradoxis satannicus belgrem. ” I mean look, supposedly it may make the speaker forfeit their soul, but who needs one? Besides James Brown?
Look, last time the spell was cast, Marvel Earth 616 was free of vampires for like seven or eight years, which after these 50+ issues of Blood Hunt, I already feel like we’re gonna need a break like that.
So anyway, after the events of the lead-up Moon Knight issue, we know that someone, our narrator, has been planning this bwaha-ha-ha (or blah-blah-blah?) dastardly plan for “always.” Basically all the darkforce-wielding Marvel heroes and villains (like Cloak, Blackout, and Shroud) suddenly become constant unclosable portals to the darkforce dimension which pours through them and blots out the sun all over the Earth. Oops. So vampires suddenly attack in all major cities and heroes everywhere are overwhelmed.
I guess I’d better not spoil the final page reveal, but oh boy.
Carry a stake, Marvel readers! And remember, while Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia paint a stunning world: Jed MacKay is not to be trusted.
ComicsOnline gives Blood Hunt #1 4/5 shocking first issues.
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