by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
We’re nearing the end as the penultimate issue of MMPR: The Return #3 from BOOM! Studios hits stores this week!
For those of you who are just joining us, Power Rangers takes the WHAT IF… approach for a unique exploration of the original team in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return, a special 4-issue series from BOOM! Studios. The original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson, teamed up with co-writer Matt Hotson (Titans), Artist Nico Leon (Ms. Marvel), Colorist Dono Sanchez-Almara (Captain America), and Letterer Ed Dukeshire (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) to form a new creative team with attitude.
This third installment has some major reveals and sets the stage for a big final act. You will be cheering “GO GO POWER RANGERS” once it gets into your hands (Rating: 5/5 from our ComicsOnline team. No notes).
With that being said, ComicsOnline is pleased to get “back to action” for another exclusive deep dive with Co-Writer Matt Hotson.
SPOILER WARNING IS ON! May the Power Protect You.

Matt Sernaker: So “Maybe Rita” was revealed to be…Selena Repulsa!? Can you share a bit about the creative process of bringing this character to life? And how was Selena’s name chosen?
Matt Hotson: The daughter of Rita and Zedd was always something we wanted to explore, and seemed like a perfect counterpoint to the daughter of Kimberly and Tommy. Two of the main themes of “The Return” are consequences and legacies; and Selena’s origins are intrinsically tied to not just these themes, but to the Power Rangers themselves. Selena doesn’t know that it was Tommy who saved her from the moon explosion, and as far as she’s concerned, her family is dead because of the Rangers. It’s tragic that Tommy spent his last moments saving an innocent young child who has grown up to be the villain who may finally defeat the Power Rangers…
As for her name, “Selena” means “the moon,” so there was always a little hint at her true origins for anyone who went looking!
MS: We also got to see more from the “final battle” on the moon, revealing a bit about Selena’s history and more specifics on those pivotal moments. Was Tommy’s sacrifice always in place or did that evolve with the development of the story?
MH: Tommy’s sacrifice was also always part of the plan, way back when we started working on this. We wanted to examine an adult Kimberly Hart who had been pushed to the brink, and had lost everything because she was a Power Ranger. That meant Tommy Oliver had to go, but there was never any doubt he would go out a hero amongst heroes.
MS: Finster’s appearance was a pleasant surprise, but we need to talk about his survival method. Sustaining himself on his own creations sure was a shocking point for him to share with the Rangers…Who gets the credit for that element?
MH: You know who should really get some credit for this? Boom Studios and Hasbro, because everyone there approved it! It’s one of those things we write and wait for the “no” to come down, but it was never an issue, and we’re thrilled it’s in there! There’s something undeniably eerie and tragic and messed up about Finster surviving by consuming his life’s work!
MS: And now…let’s talk about the “contingency plan”. That sure was a morphinomenal buildup and reveal to Olivia’s introduction as the new Green Ranger. During our previous conversations, you had mentioned that the timing for her introduction was moved around a bit while breaking the story, but this felt like the perfect way to lead into the final issue. Can you share how this moment came together?
MH: I’ll admit that for a while, I thought instead of seeing Olivia at the end of issue 2, we should meet her in issue 3. Nothing against Olivia, I just didn’t want to steamroll past the introduction of Selena Repulsa at the end of issue 2 by introducing Olivia a few pages later. In the end, Amy Jo and Dafna were totally correct in that it was a fantastic one-two punch to end off the previous chapter. That said, there’s nothing more fun than teasing the audience with a new character like Olivia Hart and then making them wait 22 pages before we see her again! This has always been a story about, and celebration of, the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team… but Olivia Hart, the new Green Ranger will finally get her due in issue 4!
MS: Nico once again delivered another impressive issue. The flashbacks and story reveals were handled perfectly, and I thought that this issue has the best pacing so far. I also loved how the paneling created a cinematic feel. Which moments were you most excited to see come to life for this issue?
MH: I’ve always been a little apprehensive about the response to this issue because we’ve finally got our original heroes all together in the present day… and they spend the entire time in a forcefield bubble! The pacing was tricky to nail down after the 100 miles per hour action that filled issue 2, but we needed to slow things down and finally reveal who Selena is, where she came from, and that her plan is to bring back a still-alive Rita Repulsa. And now that we’ve caught our breath, it’s time for lots more action in the finale!
MS: I know Nico loves to slip in some amazing details and Easter Eggs, so I was hoping you could share some of your personal highlights from this issue.
MH: Aside from Nico’s great layouts, his design work is impeccable in this issue. The ramshackle rebuilt moon palace is even spookier than the original. He went above and beyond on the design of the “Morphin-Matic,” and that monster-mashed Finster with the stitched-on putty pieces and monster-bone walking stick is pretty awesome! Also Nico’s character design of Baby Selena is so good. Who wouldn’t sacrifice themselves to save that little cutie pie??
MS: I wanted to say thank you on behalf of the fans for the reveal that Bulk and Skull were the ones to find (any maybe raise?) Selena on Earth. I thought that was a really nice touch.
MH: Maybe my favorite thing that I learned while working on this project is that Amy Jo loves Bulk and Skull! You can’t celebrate MMPR without them! We only had room for one page of those guys but everyone wanted more.
MS: Headed into the final issue, what would you and Amy Jo like to convey to the fans?
MH: It’s all been leading to this! Olivia the Rookie Ranger versus Sinister Selena Repulsa! While the original Power Rangers are trapped in a forcefield bubble and watch from the sidelines and do nothing at all!
In all seriousness, there are still a handful of really cool surprises coming in the last issue which we are so happy haven’t been revealed! The wait for issue 4 is a few extra weeks but it will definitely be worth it. Thanks to all the readers who has been along for the ride; issue 4 is going to be fun!
Our ComicsOnline coverage of the Power Rangers 30th Anniversary continues below!
Check out our Exclusive Interviews with Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson for
MMPR: The Return #1 & 2:
It’s Morphin Time!
We’re getting back to action as new installments in our Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Interview Series are now online!
Join host Matt Sernaker as he catches up with the Ranger family for a unique series of conversation. This series currently features Walter Emanuel Jones (Zack), Catherine Sutherland (Kat), Steve Cardenas (Rocky), Nakia Burrise (Tanya), David Fielding (Zordon), Ron Wasserman (Composer), Richard Horvitz (Alpha 5), Tony Oliver (Supervising Producer), Melissa Flores (BOOM! Studios’ MMPR & Power Rangers Hyperforce), and Meghan Camarena (Power Rangers Hyperforce & BOOM! Studios’ Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce).
More installments will be released throughout the year, so make sure you check out our social media links below.
Part 9 of our interview series featuring Tony Oliver:
Part 8 of our interview series featuring Nakia Burrise (with special appearance by Catherine Sutherland):
Part 7 of our interview series featuring Richard Horvitz:
Part 6 of our interview series featuring Melissa Flores & Meghan Camarena:
Part 5 of our interview series featuring David Fielding:
Part 4 of our interview series featuring Steve Cardenas:
Part 3 of our interview series featuring Ron Wasserman:
Part 2 of our interview series featuring Catherine Sutherland:
Part 1 of our interview series featuring Walter Emanuel Jones:
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