by Tony Rhea, Reporter
Fighting for what you believe can mean facing unbelievable odds, and those fights aren’t for everyone. However, Wonder Woman isn’t everyone, and the odds aren’t against her, but the literal army she faces in Wonder Woman #2!

Official Description:
AN ARMY OF ONE! Now a wanted fugitive, Wonder Woman readies herself for battle against Commander Steel and his soldiers, her former love Steve Trevor being one of them! What could this face-off mean for her position in the world of heroes? Will it further her quest for the truth about the rogue Amazon or end in bloodshed? Find out as this demigoddess takes on an entire army! Plus, the prelude to Amazons Attack!
Writer: Tom King
Artist: Daniel Sampere
Colorist: Tomeo Morey
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Diana goes toe-to-toe against the U.S. Military, fighting an army to defy Sargent Steel and the President, despite protests from Colonel Trevor. The battle is shown in parallel to the fight that led to Diana being selected to represent the Amazons in the first place, with a shocking reveal of who she fought. This issue also includes a preview chapter for Amazons Attack #1!
There is no denying that King is a master of his craft, and this comic has so far been an excellent example of this. King brings us a Wonder Woman who is unafraid of conflict, even when she doesn’t want it. He writes a strong warrior whose compassion knows no bounds, and bends to the whims of no one in the face of adversity. This issue exemplifies that Wonder Woman isn’t about a sexy heroine who can kick some butt, but a strong woman who stands for what is right regardless of who stands in front of her. The story not only exemplifies this, but shows how far Diana has come while tying that development very well to this story. The continued narration from the Sovereign continues a unique perspective that amplifies the narrative.
Sampere’s art in this issue is on-point. His characters are striking and his perspective is spot-on. Many of these panels aren’t just great, they’re amazing and dynamic. The gritty presentation and level of detail is impressive and should stand as an example of how more books should be drawn. It’s a beautiful issue where the art serves to add to and improve the story, and the story is already fantastic.
Wonder Woman #2 is a fantastic issue of a series that is starting very strong. There are some other great comics out this week, but this is the one you should buy.
ComicsOnline gives Wonder Woman #2 5 out of 5 smashed tanks, and that’s only because I can’t rate it higher.
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