by Christal Kennedy, Reporter
Official Description:
Being the hero to the hopeless is a full-time job, and Wanda Maximoff could certainly use some help. When she teams with a mysterious new ally to assist the people seeking help through the Last Door, things seem to be looking up. But is he everything he appears to be? Or has Wanda put her trust in the wrong person? Plus! A backup story celebrating Latin/x heroes and creators! Wanda Maximoff teams up with Strange Academy student Eva Quintero in a backup story by Juan Ponce and Ig Guara!
Creative Team:
Writer – Steve Orlando
Artists – Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli
Colorists – Frank William
Lettering – VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Art – Russell Dauterman
Variant Covers – Jen Bartel, Ernanda Souza & Tiago Da Silva

What is a week like in the life of Scarlet Witch? Well, we are about to embark on a whirlwind ride and find out alongside Wanda’s new trainee, Joseph (clone of her father Magneto). Joseph is doing his best to stay on the path of redemption trying to help as many people as he can but not everyone is a fan of being saved by a mutant and he feels the hatred fueled by Orchis. Wanda offers to show him what a week is like in her life traveling through different cities and worlds offering aid to those who need it. But will it be enough for Joseph to continue working towards redemption or is he just a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Tammetta, Pichelli, and team knocked it out of the park again with their stunning art. This issue took on a different dynamic than the previous ones. Orlando took us on a ride through various snippets of Wanda’s dealings instead of giving us one centralized story of a single character/villain that we have come to expect of those coming through the Last Door. Though I felt like there wasn’t a strong character development in this issue, it was a nice touch to go back and revisit the familiar faces of Ganymeade, Hippolyta, Quicksilver & Luna. However, I am curious if these flashes circling back to these specific characters are leading up to something more, and the ending with Joseph and Hexfinder definitely left a cliffhanger that has me excited for issue #10.
ComicsOnline gives Scarlet Witch #9 – 4 out of 5 Hexfinders
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