by Christal Kennedy, Reporter
Official Description:
Thess feels betrayed when she discovers the truth of the mission she’s been sent on, and blows off some steam in unwise ways, revealing more than she probably should have about herself. But the gang and Anya have some information for Thess as well-things that will shed new light on Cora’s path.
Creative Team:
Writer – Casey Gilly
Artists – Oriol Roig & Nicola Izzo
Colorists – Gloria Martinelli
Lettering – Ed Dukenshire
Cover Art – Ario Anindito
Variant Covers – Suspiria Vilchez, Ario Anindito & Frany

Thess and her lady love seem to be on the outs after their disastrous evening. Our other lovebirds seem to be having a bumpy getaway as well. I don’t think Buffy ever learned what it means to relax, I mean how could she with all the decades of saving the world! It’s no wonder she can’t match Spikes zest for life on their vacation, but she sure has mastered the art of faking it til you make it. Anya on the other hand has stumbled into an interesting development, she just isn’t sure that Thess will like where her research leads.
Buffy and Thess are still dealing with their personal dramas and the whole slayer/life balance conundrum. If Buffy is any example, Thess is just starting to scratch the surface on how being the Slayer complicates every other aspect of your life. Roig & Izzo team up to deliver us stunning art that makes you feel like you are back in Sunnydale. Their work along with Martinelli dynamic color scheme have us creeping in the shadows and seedy underbelly of Santa Carmen. Gilly throws us a new layer to our story and it is giving me some major Mayor Wilkins vibes, so I am anxious to see what other twists and turns Gilly has in store for our slayer in training.
ComicsOnline gives Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer #3 – 4 out of 5 vengeance demons.
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