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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #3

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

Hal Jordan successfully made his way through the Dawn of DC: Knight Terrors event, now it’s time to get back to business! As we return to the main story in Green Lantern #3, Hal continues to pick up the pieces of his old life and figure out what exactly is going on with his new ring. Meanwhile in the backup story, John’s struggle to leave the GL Corps behind is about to come to a breaking point, as an imminent new threat is heading his way from another place, another time… 

Image provided by DC.

Creative Team: “Green Lantern – The More Things Change…”
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist and Cover Artist: Xermanico
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Lettering: Dave Sharpe

Previously in “Knight Terrors: Green Lantern” #1-2:
Hal confronted his past as Insomnia took on the guise of Parallax! Despite his best efforts, Insomnia has struggled to impact Hal in the same way that he has impacted others across the DC Universe. In a truly epic moment, the new villain realizes the terrible mistake that he has made, as our hero channels these moments of “fear” to overpower his attacker. In a surprising role reversal, GL now has the bad guy on the run, working his way back through the previous nightmare scenarios. Hal also channels his inner-most Bruce Campbell for an Evil Dead inspired moment that will surely excite readers.

Now in Green Lantern #3:
With Insomnia expelled from his mind, Jordan comes back to Earth to resume his adventures with Jeremy Adams and team in the main title. The story opens up with Hal’s fall to Earth as teased in the first chapter, realizing that this new power ring has some unique qualities, including some surprising twists to his constructs. Once we return to the present day, we learn a bit more about what Sinestro has been up to on Earth, and his current affiliation with the Legion of Doom. Hal’s best efforts to patch things up with Carol continue to go arry, as Thaal causes some new problems at Ferris Air. What is Hal going to do about this new threat, and what exactly happened before the current GL Dawn of DC series kicked-off? 

Adams and team deliver another stellar chapter in the Green Lantern saga. The opening pages were particularly impressive, with the visual FWOOOOOOSH sound-effect incorporated into the visuals to perfection. I went back to look at that panel several times since my first read through, and creative incorporation of the text with the imagery is just bad-ass. After the power ring test at the beginning of the issue, I am growing more and more concerned about the wellbeing of Kilowog. Is our favorite drill instructor actually on Earth, or are his appearances a manifestation of Hal having survivor’s guilt? The plot thickens and we will have to wait until next month to learn more about the mysterious circumstances that brought Hal back home…

Creative Team: John Stewart – “Homecoming: Part Three”
Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Artist: Montos
Colorists: Adriano Lucas
Lettering: Dave Sharpe

The Green Lantern: Homecoming backup story kicks into high gear with this new chapter. John Stewart, the Guardian of the Green Lantern Corps has arrived in “Another Place, Another Time”, fighting off the hordes of the Revenant Queen. We get a bit more on the mystery of this new threat (why does she have a ring?), but we will have to wait until the release of Green Lantern: War Journal #1 to learn more about the secrets of this multiversal villain. The John Stewart of our universe will have some help, because Lantern Sheppard is headed his way as well to lend a hand.  

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives Green Lantern #3 – 4.5/5 ring constructs. 

Check out our exclusive Green Lantern SDCC interviews with Jeremy Adams, Tim Sheridan, and Phillip Kennedy Johnson in the links below:

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.
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