by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Now THIS is how you kick off a comic event during a milestone anniversary!
What happens when the bad guy finally wins? The Power Rangers are about to face their “Darkest Hour”, as Mistress Vile has successfully infected the Morphin Grid. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 from BOOM! Studios has arrived, and it looks like it’s gonna be a long year for our favorite Teenagers with Attitude…
Creative Team:
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice
Colorist: Raúl Angulo with Jose Enrique Fernández
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Rita (now known as Mistress Vile) has finally achieved her goals. The Morphin Grid has been infected, the Zeo Crystal is under her control, and the body of Zordon is ready to be inhabited by Dark Specter. The Rangers are in for a wild ride as they attempt to stop this powered up version of their arch-nemesis. Meanwhile, what exactly is going on with Matt and Grace? Did our heroes arrive too late to save their friends? If all that wasn’t enough, the Omega Rangers attempt to hold the line at their Master Arch with some surprising help from a new team of Rangers!
The “Darkest Hour” event kicks off in a big way, and it is exciting to see just how dire the situation truly is for our multi-colored heroes. Matt’s inner turmoil as he struggles to escape from Mistress Vile’s control created several standout moments in this issue. Flores plays Matt’s relationship dynamics with the Rangers and his current lack of control in a way that made an already intense chapter even more interesting. Additionally, I can’t wait to see how the Drakkon Rangers and the corrupted Wild Force Power Rangers play into this extremely tenuous situation. The art and coloring choices from Di Gianfelice, Angulo, and Fernández perfectly collided to an impressive degree throughout the story, elevating the action and emotional beats to the next level. How do the Rangers cope with the choice of the needs of the many versus the needs of the one? Well…we are about to find out as they are placed in an impossible situation.
ComicsOnline gives Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 – 5 out of 5 perfect ways to kick-off a massive 12-issue story arc!
Check out our #SDCC interview with Melissa Flores & Meghan Camarena (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Power Rangers Hyperforce) at the link below:
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