by Christal Kennedy, Reporter
Official Description:
In a bloody ritual involving Willow and Buffy, Drusilla’s portal puts everyone in peril, with only Buffy
having the Slayer chops to stop her! But with the Baby Crab hungry for portal-energy… his true
monstrous form might be something unstoppable to behold!

Creative Team:
Writer – Sarah Gailey
Artists – Kath Lobo assisted by Lea Caballero & Roberta Ingranata
Colorists – Valentina Pinto assisted by Riccardo Giardina
Lettering – Ed Dukeshire
Cover Art – Skylar Patridge
Variant Covers – Yoshi Yoshitani & Skylar Patridge
It is the final chapter of Sarah Gailey’s dive into the Buffy multiverse. When we last saw the Scooby
gang, they were in quite the pickle. Willow, Faith, Xander & Buffy had been captured by Drusilla who
wants to use the slayers blood to open a portal to hell. Spike went in as a friend, but has he turned foe?
Oh, and let’s not forget the crab god that wants to make a tasty meal out of them. In true Buffy form we
are in for an epic showdown, looks like its time to stop another apocalypse. Just another day at the
office for Buffy and the Scoobies.
Sarah has taken us on quite the adventure in this universe (Universe 37, also known as the Willowverse).
I am a huge Buffy fan and have loved all the cannon that has developed after the TV show ended. This is
just one more storyline for fans like me to stay connected to our favorite slayer and her gang, keeping
these characters fresh for new audiences with nods to the past for long time fans. The artwork and the
writing stay true to the Buffy style and this team has done a tremendous job of giving us a storyline
worthy of a TV season finale. If you want more of the Buffy universe, check out Buffy the Last Vampire
Slayer, the new 5 issue mini-series, issue 1 releases in August.
ComicsOnline gives The Vampire Slayer #16 4 x out of 5 baby crabs