by Tony Rhea, Reporter
…but do come back and read it after. We have so much to discuss, after all!
Listen. I have not been the biggest fan of some of Marvel’s choices of late. I don’t think I’m alone there. Character assassination (literal and figurative) aside, they have been big on spoiling their own events, and I’m not a fan of any of that.
…Ho-ly cow…what a book! X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023) #1 is going to be remembered for a long time to come. The events of this comic will ripple through all of the x-books long after the “Fall of X” event is done. Buckle in, as this review will not be short. There is so much ground to cover, and by the end of it, you will absolutely want to check this title out for yourself if you haven’t already.
Creative Team:
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artists: Adam Kubert, Luciano Vecchio, Matteo Lolli, Russell Dauterman, Javier Pina, R.B. Silva, Joshua Cassara, Kris Anka & Pepe Larraz
Color Artists: Rain Beredo, Ceci De La Cruz, Matthew Wilson, Erick Arciniega & Marte Gracia
Lettering: Virtual Calligraphy
Design: Tom Muller w/ Jay Bowen
G.O.D.S. Interlude
Writer: Jonathan Hickman & Gerry Duggan
Artist: Valero Schiti
Color Artist: Marte Gracia

This issue kicks off not only the Hellfire Gala, but the “Fall of X” event. It begins, however, with the official reveal that not only has Ms. Marvel been revived, but she finds out she’s a mutant! This isn’t a surprise if you’ve been paying attention. While Kamala needs time to come to terms with her new reality (as well as being alive), she doesn’t have much time as a party is quickly coming! We join the X-Men and friends on their island home of Krakoa for the opening festivities of the Hellfire gala where not only is everyone dressed to impress, but the mutant nation is preparing to unveil a wonderful gift for humanity. In addition, the newest members of the X-Men will be voted on and appointed! Wait, why are the Avengers being called away? Is Cyclops heading alone to the treehouse for that alarm? Where is Rogue going? WHAT HAPPENED TO CAP?! No time to wonder, the new team has been decided. Which would have been great. Would have been wonderful. The new team looked so interesting and good! WE HAD A JUGGERNAUT! HOW COOL IS THAT?!? What an exciting new team…
Is that a Nimrod coming through the ceiling…?
Yeah, that’s a Nimrod coming through the ceiling.
Nimrod’s arrival is the beginning of a series of events which absolutely shatter the status quo. What should have been a moment of celebration becomes an absolute slaughter, as most of the new team (including several including surprising veterans) are torn (literally) to pieces. Nimrod isn’t finished, however, as he proceeds with a plan to not only distract from the incoming Stark Sentinels and Orchis invasion, but to kill as many Omega-level mutants as possible. As Iceman breathes his last icy breath, Dr. Stasis arrives with M.O.D.O.K. in tow to explain to Xavier how not only has this plan been brewing for some time, but his machinations have put not only mutants, but any human who has ingested Krakoan medicine at risk. As the mutants of Krakoa (and a surprising ally) try to gain the upper hand, they are quickly thwarted by a Juggernaut shaped bullet causing the destruction of their island home. Just when you think Jean has gotten everything under her control, Moira X shows up and impales her with a Blightswill blade. Jean’s final moments allow her to not only set a plan in motion with Firestar, but to say goodbye telepathically with Wolverine, as well as a very badly-injured Cyclops (who can’t feel his legs). As Jean’s death spurs the remaining mutants to desperate action, Xavier gives in to Dr. Stasis’ ultimatum, controlling all remaining mutants and sending them through Krakoan gates to destinations unknown. While some mutants engage their Red Triangle Protocol’s and try to resist, it’s all for nothing. The dying isn’t done, however. While some mutants manage to escape with the White Queen, not everyone left standing stays that way. As Dr. Stasis betrays the deal he made with Xavier, and he’s about to be murdered by Moira X, Rogue swoops in to save him. She can’t save him from himself, however, as he realizes that he can no longer sense the minds of the mutants he sent through the gates, which should only mean one thing: none of them may have survived the trip.
Gerry Duggan absolutely astounds with this issue. There was so much story packed into this issue, and Duggan never loses the narrative, which is amazing considering how many balls there were to juggle with this. As devastating as this issue is, there are plenty of moments of levity that are executed very well (including a fun Blob joke that stole a chuckle from me during a very tense moment of the story). Other X-book writers should take notes, as this issue is a master class in how to handle these characters. Kamala’s return is handled wonderfully, the deaths delivered in this issue are truly shocking, and the twists and turns all through-out the book will keep you on the edge of your seat. Jean and Scott’s goodbye will absolutely break your heart. If an award is not in Gerry Duggan’s future, I will be truly shocked.
The artists and colorists are not to be put to shame, however. Every person that contributed to this issue should feel a true sense of pride, as it is a spectacle of art and color. Jubilee’s last panels are gritty and terrifying. Iceman’s fight with Nimrod is as dynamic and exhilarating as it is sad and tragic. You feel like rallying with the remaining mutants after Jean’s attacked, and feel like you’re right next to them. The highlight for me, however, was the full-page illustration of Xavier crying out while standing over the rapidly-decayed corpse of Jean as Krakoa burns around him. This is followed by the final few panels of the issue, where cold realization, horror, and despair are more beautifully drawn then they have any right to be.
The implications coming out of this issue are huge. Many of these deaths may stick. Xavier is at his lowest point. Will Scott Summers be paralyzed? Will this be the bridge that brings him and Xavier back to common ground? What is Ms. Marvel’s mutant ability, and how will it help? Did all of the mutants who travelled (forcibly) through the gates survive, or did Xavier really send them to their deaths?
It’s hard to see an end to this event where nearly anything will be fixed for most of these characters that doesn’t compromise what a great story and opportunity Marvel has created here, and maybe it shouldn’t. The wave that mutants had been riding was always going to crash, and that crash will allow for some great arcs and character building, if it’s allowed to happen. The losses in this book are catastrophic and shocking, and it would be wonderful to see some characters rise from this event with new-found purpose, and for some characters that have been hiding in the background to take center stage. With all there is to unpack, this single issue has bred so many talking points that will keep the comics community buzzing for months to come. I, for one, will be devouring every moment of this event. I recommend you do the same.
ComicsOnline gives X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023) #1 an undeniable 5 out of 5 devastating heartbreaks.
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