by Christal Kennedy, Reporter
Official Description:
FAMILY MATTERS! Wanda’s loyalties are tested when an enemy of the Kree/Skrull Empire falls through the Last Door desperate for help avenging their fallen comrades. Will Wanda honor the commitment she made to helping those in need – whoever they are – or will her love for her son Wiccan and his husband, Hulkling, triumph over all? PLUS: A familiar figure appears at Wanda’s shop…and it seems rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated. But does he come as friend or foe?
Creative Team:
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artists: Lorenzo Tammetta & Sarah Pichelli
Colorists: Frank William
Lettering: Joe Sabino
Cover Art: Russell Dauterman
Variant Covers: Peach Momoko, Betsy Cola & Lucas Werneck

The Last Door has brought Wanda her next mission in her vow to help anyone who comes through. Ganymede doesn’t seem to be looking for justice. Wanda will need something other than spells to pull this off. She will need to harness her negotiating skills to assist Ganymede in finding the person responsible for the eradication of her sisters. A journey to Throneworld, a little mother-son bonding, a battle with the Blood Skrulls, and helping someone in need…. just another day for the Scarlet Witch.
Everything that Wanda Maximoff has already overcome has only made her stronger. She is a survivor. Her moments with Wiccan in this issue are beautifully written and I loved seeing her dynamic with her son. Her son and his husband are trying to make things better than how they found them, and Wanda is able to provide some thoughtful guidance that made for an impactful scene. Wanda really got to shine in these moments with her son, and it was a great contrast to the fierce Scarlet Witch. Looking forward to seeing what else Steve and the Last Door have in store for the Queen of Chaos.
ComicsOnline gives Scarlet Witch #6 – 4 out of 5 doses of family drama.
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