by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Hal Jordan is currently flying high after the first two stellar installments in his new ongoing series, but what new nightmares await him in the Dawn of DC crossover Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1?
Creative Team:
Writer: Jeremy Adams & Alex Segura
Artists: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, & Mario “Fox” Foccillo
Colorists: Luis Guerrero & Prasao Rao (Pressy)
Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Picking up moments from the ending of Green Lantern #2, Hal finds his plane going down under mysterious circumstances. Right as he is about to enter the cockpit and save the day, he finds himself whisked away to another place, another time (not that Another Place, Another Time)…his Father’s funeral! After a few creepy pages, Hal’s journey then takes him to Ferris Air on the day of Abin Sur’s death, only to find that events aren’t playing out as they should. The mental trip continues with a final stop on OA where Hal is confronted by twisted versions of the Guardians of the Universe and Parallax! Meanwhile, Sinestro gets a bit of time in the spotlight as the Knight Terrors crossover comes for him as well. Can he outrun his past and find a new path towards a brighter future? Who (or what) is Insomnia, and why are they wreaking havoc on the DC Universe? Find out more as Knight Terrors: Green Lantern continues in issue #2!
This sudden detour from the main GL book was a bit surprising, as Adams and team had literally just launched their new run two issues earlier. That being said, the issue was a fun exploration of Hal’s past (including references to his religious background which isn’t heavily mentioned in the comics), but I’m not sure of the larger impact it will have on the main story. I particularly enjoyed Hal’s time on OA, which might give us some clues as to why Sector 2814 has been cut off from the rest of the universe. Hal’s ability to overcome fear might help him get through this crossover event a bit easier than his peers, but it sure seems like Sinestro is going to have a rougher time thanks to his role in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths.
With larger crossover events such as this, it is easy for tie-ins to overpower character development and ongoing story arcs. I’m glad that Jeremy and the team go to plan for this particular plot pivot, and I have confidence that Hal’s inner journey will tie back into his ongoing adventures. For a crossover comic, Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 manages to tell quite a story while fitting into the larger special event narrative.
ComicsOnline gives Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 – 4/5 emerald nightmares.
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