by Tony Rhea, Reporter
It really feels like the Nineties are making a come back. No Lisa Frank or Trapper Keeper resurgence yet, but I’m holding out hope! While we wait anxiously for the return of those essential admin tools, some of our favorite franchises return to page and screen. This is my first chance to jump back into the world of WildC.A.T.s with WildC.A.T.s #8!

Official Description:
The world is dying. Grifter may just be our last hope, but things aren’t looking too good for him either. Luckily, his trusty teammates will stand by his side until the end. Meet the new WildC.A.T.s: Green Arrow, Robin, Savant, Scarecrow, Maul, and Midnighter.
Creative Team:
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Artists: Danny Kim and Michele Bandini
Colorist: Elmer Santos
Letterer: Ferran Delgado
Cover: Stephen Segovia and Elmer Santos
As the majority of the team is trying to figure out who they can trust and what they’re next moves are, Grifter seeks out the Void on an alternate earth with the help of some familiar faces. With danger surrounding them on all sides, the WildC.A.T.s have their work cut out for them as an unseen enemy starts making moves that could affect everyone.
I appreciate that each member of the team is written in such a way that if I were to close my eyes and hear the dialogue spoken aloud, I would have a good idea of who was speaking. Rosenberg does a great job balancing humor and emotion, creating three-dimensional characters that are fun to read and really draw you in. The art by Kim and Bandini draws you in as well, with great looking characters and great action panels. Colors are really utilized well, and help to punch-up the action and deliver some really beautiful ambiance when needed.
WildC.A.T.s #8 is an exciting and fun read, and should be one of the titles you are watching month-to-month.
ComicsOnline gives WildC.A.T.s#8 – 4 out of 5 red-bandana masks!
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