by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Green Lantern is back…maybe! After forging a new ring from the will-powered energy of old Manhunter armor, Hal is flying high in Green Lantern #2 from DC. While Hal attempts to put his life back together, John Stewart continues to forge his own path as we learn more about the mysterious “Another Universe, Another Time” story teased in the first issue.

Creative Team: Green Lantern – “Nice Guys Finish First”
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist and Cover Artist: Xermanico
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Lettering: Dave Sharpe
Picking up from the final reveal at the end of stunning first issue, Hal has successfully stopped the dangerous thief using the Manhunter armor. With a new ring in hand, Hal wastes no time putting these new powers to the test and enjoys this piece of his lost lifestyle. While stopping a group of thieves called the “Demolition Gang”, Hal decides to channel another superhero and has some fun taking down the bad guys. After learning the limits of his new ring, Hal returns home and has a heart to heart with Kilowog, who is apparently stuck on Earth with him. With some encouragement, Hal gets his act together, and finds a surprising new role at Ferris Air.
Continuing the momentum from a launch issue can be daunting, but Adams and his team do it with style in Green Lantern #2. Hal’s voice and characterization once again shine in this installment. Whether it is experimenting with his new ring, stopping the bad guys, or trying to impress Carol, there is no question that Adams understands the inner workings of Hal. I’m really enjoying the non-linear approach to the story, as it is helping to keep the pacing but also allow for surprising story beats. The 24 hours of how Hal got his new job is a perfect example of this, as the single page detour made for an amusing and insightful addition. From a visual perspective, the sequence of Hal testing the ring’s flight capabilities was absolutely stunning. I loved the different perspectives that were used over these pages, as the vivid designs perfectly captured the excitement and joy of our favorite pilot.
Creative Team: John Stewart – “Homecoming: Part Two”
Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Artist: Montos
Colorists: Adriano Lucas
Lettering: Dave Sharpe
John Stewart continues to find his own path in the second installment of “Homecoming”. The first issue ended with a shocking detour to “Another Universe, Another Time” (I’m gonna call it AUAT for short), and we get more information about that mysterious battle with this new threat. John has a great conversation with his mom, discussing how challenging it is to step back to Earth after being away for so long. Meanwhile, the attack on AUAT continues, as young Lantern Sheppard struggles to hold the line against the impending threat. He soon realizes that he is not alone, as an alternate version of John Stewart arrives on the scene, revealing more about this potential timeline. Can these two heroes fight off an impending horde of seemingly dead Lanterns?!
There is a bit of dialogue from John where he describes finding balance after working in a high-intensity environment, and this sequence just stuck with me days after reading this issue. It really summarizes John as a character, and gives an insightful look to his mindset as he attempts to find his footing. As much as I enjoyed the story elements in this issue, I feel like the backup style release is causing a pacing challenge. To clarify, Johnson and team make wonderful use of the pages and space that they are given, but it felt a bit jumpy as they have to convey a lot of information and move the story along in a very short format. That being said, the intriguing elements of AUAT are sure to keep readers guessing, and I look forward to seeing where this arc takes us.
Editor’s Note:
Not a spoiler, but the main story ends with a note that Hal’s adventure will be continued in Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1. I can’t think of any past comic release that was impacted by an event so soon after launch, as something like this would at least happen after the completion of an initial story arc. The Green Lantern component of Knight Terrors will be a two-part story and will also be handled by Jeremy Adams and team, so I have the utmost confidence in the quality. If you haven’t placed your orders for the Knight Terrors event, you might want to reach out to your Local Comic Store and place a request so that you don’t miss any of Hal’s ongoing story.
ComicsOnline gives Green Lantern #2 – 4.5/5 times that we welcome you to the mailroom!
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