by Troy-David Phillips, Guest Reporter
And now, ComicsOnline presents something a bit different for our review of Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons #1 from IDW Publishing. We hope you enjoy.

Where to begin with Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons #1? How about the cover. Very eye catching, excellent use of color. This should make comic fans stop and take notice!
Next: establishing pages. Very good! It’s not in any way any ordinary Godzilla story. Set as it is in an earlier time period, this should have the great King of the Kaijus seem absolutely invincible!
I am a believer that a good Godzilla story needs some grounded human drama, above and beyond the simple survival part of the story. Something that makes the human characters seem compelling so that the reader actually cares about whether or not they survive the story. So, the great age of pirates. Colorful men on the high seas. So far so good. A man condemned to the gallows, but with one very important story to tell, a tale so important that it just might buy his freedom! I like the historic context; it makes me want to open a book and read about the actual history at that time.
The artwork in Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons #1 is very solid: I have read and enjoyed every single IDW Godzilla series, but after the last cartoony styled story, I very much enjoyed the more serious tone in the artwork. Godzilla is always best when he comes off as a merciless force of nature. That last panel/page where he rises above the ship is simply majestic. I appreciate the use of the Heisei era look for Godzilla. I think as a fan, I like the Heisei era best overall, even as I am a fan of the look from the Legendary films more recently. I know that every G-fan has their own personal favorite, but this look appeals to my personal taste. Artist Inaki Miranda has done exceptionally well!
I am very much intrigued to see where the Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons story is going to go. It’s obvious that the crew of Captain Drake’s ship make it back, or else this tale would be told as it is. However, there are simply many possibilities about how this story can unfold and what possible consequences will come from having disturbed Godzilla. So much to absorb in this tale: a battle on the High Seas, a pirate treasure buried on a mysterious island, the conflicts between the great Nations of the time, just so much!
Writer Frank Tieri’s style of narrative is used very effectively, and again, so far, so good. I am very much looking forward to exploring Monster Island. Given the context of the time period, I believe we’ll get less in the way of scientific exposition, and a lot more of a classic mythology style. Also too, a lot of religious intonation, as that was very much the style of the time.
Here There Be Dragons, indeed! I am looking forward to seeing this first issue in my store, and can hardly wait for a second issue, and beyond! This was quite a delightful read!
ComicsOnline gives Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons #1 – 4/5 ‘zillas!
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