by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Wonder Woman’s historic 800th issue has arrived! Our favorite Amazon reaches her milestone issue with style as an overwhelming number of writers and artists join forces for an epic conclusion to “Whatever Happened to the Warrior of Truth”. Additionally, we get a glimpse at the future with “Trinity”, a tale from the next WW creative team. Let’s do this (cue the music).
Creative Team
Writers: Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, & Tom King
Artists: Joelle Jones, Todd Nauck, Daniel Sampere, Alitha Martinez, Mark Morales, Nick Robles, Cully Hamner, & Jen Bartel
Colorists: Jordie Bellaire, Tamara Bonvillain, & Jen Bartel
Lettering: Pat Bosseau & Clayton Cowles

Wonder Woman #800 is the perfect example of how to celebrate a milestone. Not only does this book honor the past and present, but teases a bit about the upcoming future and next creative team lead by writer Tom King (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow). As Diana continues her internal journey, she is confronted by visions of her closest allies and the women who have taken on the WW mantle. From Donna Troy to Yara Flor, these iconic characters help to reinforce her personal motivations and desire to make an impact in the lives of others. Her path also connects her to her closest friends, including engaging segments with both Bruce and Clark. With her ritual completed, a rejuvenated Diana is ready to head out into the world once more as the beacon of hope.
“Whether you are a regular reader of the Wonder Woman comics, or just interested in checking out the extra-sized issue, you can rest assured that Wonder Woman #800 is a flawless issue.” -Matt Sernaker, ComicsOnline
As Diana’s segment in the story concludes, we look to the future as Superman (Jonathan Kent) and Batman (Damien Wayne) travel to a remote shoreline to meet “Lizzie”, a.k.a. Trinity – the daughter of Wonder Woman! With help from her closest friends, Trinity seeks to enter a forbidden prison and make her way past the three trials to seek an audience with the dangerous prisoner held within. Pain, skill, and honor await these heroes, and readers will be given some excited new background details on Trinity’s future. Who is the mysterious prisoner, and what is his connection to Trinity? We will have to wait until Wonder Woman #1 to find out more!
Wonder Woman #800 was everything that you could ask for in a WW comic. Diana’s friends and family were enlightening both for her and the readers, providing an interesting perspective as she traversed the ritual. The dream-like state was quite a complimentary concept for this celebration, as the art in the book felt seamless despite the crazy number of talented artists who contributed to the story. The cut to the future was a clever way to get readers excited about the future of the book, and I was absolutely thrilled when Lizzie revealed her full name on the final pages (no spoilers). Whether you are a regular reader of the Wonder Woman comics, or just interested in checking out the extra-sized special, you can rest assured that Wonder Woman #800 is a flawless issue.
ComicsOnline gives Wonder Woman #800 – 5/5 Warriors of Truth.
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