by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Star Trek: Picard returns this week for the eighth episode of Season Three, “Surrender”. This chapter, directed by Matt Okumura and written by Deborah Kampmeier, picks up from last week’s cliffhanger as Vadic has captured the Titan and her crew.
Spoiler Warning Below!

Plot threads converge as we get closer to the endgame of the season. After watching this particular episode a few times, I felt that it was best to experience some of the moments for yourself and not reveal every detail of what was to come. Trust me when I say that everything does manage to connect beautifully as the story progresses, setting the stage for a surely epic final set of episodes. Now back to the recap…
While Jack has another “experience” with his mysterious special abilities, Vadic begins to systematically wipe out the crew of the Titan. Meanwhile, Riker and Troi are finally reunited (welcome to the party Marina Sirtis!), and the two get into deep conversations while being held prisoner on the Shrike. It turns out that the Changelings provided the couple with the perfect environment for a family therapy session. Back on the Titan, Shaw and Seven find themselves trapped on the bridge and cautiously discuss the consequences of command decisions and the impact on the crew. Both Jeri Ryan and Todd Stashwick continue to excel in their respective performances, leading to another captivating exchange between the commanding officers. With some moral support from Sidney, Jack finally reveals his abilities to his family (go LaCrush!). Professor X/Picard was surprisingly receptive to the whole mutant powers situation, and the group formulates a plan that could help even the odds against their Changelings captors. Although it was a noble attempt, Jack unfortunately gets caught red-handed and Vadic takes a truly sadistic approach to solicit a response from her prey. If this particular sequence doesn’t pull at your heartstrings, you might be a Borg… As if these elements weren’t enough to keep us on the edge of our collective seats, Geordi and Alandra risk it all to unite Data and Lore’s personalities and regain control of the ship.

After careful consideration, I believe the MVP of the episode is Brent Spiner, who delivers one of his most impressive Star Trek performance to date. Data versus Lore features many classic callbacks to their respective history from TNG as the two verbally spar and debate the value of a life. The parallels between Data’s and Jack’s respective gambits are executed to perfection, with sequences that will surely excite any Star Trek fan. We get a tear-jerking shout out to Spot the cat and the impact that he had on Data’s evolution. And old friends Geordi and Data get a touching scene together, as reunited BFFs discuss how much they have missed each other.

Data’s story aside, there are many amazing moments scattered throughout this episode. The reunion of Will and Deanna was worth the wait, as Frakes and Sirtis deliver an emotional one-two punch as they rekindle their relationship. Deanna calling Will out for only knowing one Betazoid word was years in the making. Worf’s reunion with Deanna and Will was just as impactful, as the Klingon warrior’s surprising monologue couldn’t have been done any better if they tried. On the villain front, Amanda Plummer delivers some of her most engaging scenes as Vadic (that bridge sequence was absolutely intense), demonstrating why she was the perfect choice for the primary antagonist of the season. Lastly, I wanted to give credit to Stephanie Czajkowski who gave a memorable performance throughout this season as T’Veen. Her character will be missed on the bridge of the Titan in the following episodes.

At the end of the day, it was so immensely satisfying to see the crew of the Enterprise-D reunited. Although Vadic might be out of the way, there is a lot of ground to cover in the remaining episodes. We still don’t know what is going to happen at Frontier Day, or who the big bad is (I’m still placing bets on it being tied to Locutus and the Borg), but we are teased with answers as Jack and Deanna attempt to break down the mystery of the red door we fade to black.
I have been waiting weeks to discuss this phenomenal episode (a gift and a curse to being a member of the press), and I am so excited for viewers to get the chance to experience it themselves. Special thanks to Terry for letting me geek out with him in the meantime.
Episode 308: “Surrender”
Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver what he can never give… or watch his crew perish. Their only salvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.
Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver what he can never give… or watch his crew perish. Their only salvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.
ComicsOnline gives Star Trek: Picard – “Surrender” – 5/5 times that Spot the cat saved the day!
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