Free Comic Book Day at Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find in Charlotte, North Carolina, is always fun for the entire family. Thank to you Sheldon Drumm (local comic book store legend and founder of the wonderful, family-friendly, talent-rich HeroesCon), and his staff, as well as Punk Monkey Comics and Cosmic Rays in Columbia, South Carolina, for the best Free Comic Book Day to date. Â Favorite Quote of the Day:Â Â “Free Comic Book Day is like a religious holiday for my people.”
As for the selection of Free Comics, I was most excited to find Rom, The Dream Jumper, and the Tick, but am also looking forward to the awe-inspiring art in Enchanted and the Stuff of Legends, as well as DC Superhero Girls.  Both DC and Marvel were represented in token fashion in the Free Comics for 2016.  With DC Rebirth just around the corner, some hints and spoilers would have been nice. Instead, only Suicide Squad and DC Superhero Girls made up the entire DC line up.  I imagine the Grand Principles of Product Placement would call for a symbolic showcase of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Spider-Man and the iconic, recognizable characters for emerging comic book enthusiasts, but they were oddly absent this year.  The iconics were missed in this year’s offerings of comics intended to inspire to new readers. Otherwise, a great day from the many great comic book stores in the Carolinas!
The cosplay gallery below is provided by Moon Key, junior reporter, comic book enthusiast, and the super kid below dressed like Dorothy.
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