by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor
Over the last decade, Marvel has brought numerous characters to life on the big and small screen. With the constant stream of superhero genre films dominating theaters, it’s refreshing to find that Marvel has decided to take a different approach with their television releases, and focus on lesser known characters who also deserve a chance in the spotlight. Following the success of the Netflix release of Daredevil, fans are about to meet a brand new hero: Jessica Jones. While this character might not have the same name recognition as her predecessor, the tale of Jessica Jones will surely pique your interest. ComicsOnline has seen the first seven episodes of this new series, so let’s get down to business.

Drawing inspiration from the Marvel MAX comic series Alias, the newest Netflix/Marvel team-up once again focuses on a small-scale player: Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter, Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt 23). This one time superhero turned private investigator is struggling to find her place in the world following a fateful encounter with the villainous Kilgrave (David Tennant, Doctor Who), who used his mind-control abilities to force her to do his bidding. After barely escaping with her life, Jessica fights to regain control of her life and stop “The Purple Man” from hurting any more innocent people. When a missing persons case falls into her lap, she soon realizes that her past is back to haunt her. Kilgrave has returned and is intent on making her life a living hell. With her friends Patsy “Trish” Walker (Rachael Taylor, Transformers) and Malcolm (Eka Darville, Power Rangers R.P.M.) now in the cross-hairs of Kilgrave, Jessica must fight to overcome her grief and stop this evil once and for all. Can she save the day and stop this maniac before he kills again? And what role does Luke Cage (Mike Colter, Million Dollar Baby) play in Jessica’s twisted past?
After the first episode, viewers will notice that Jessica Jones isn’t your typical superhero endeavor. This isn’t an origin story (thankfully!), and instead is just a story about someone with a troubled past who is desperately trying to find a place in this crazy world. One of the most interesting elements of this new series is the chemistry between Jones and Luke Cage, especially when they are just sitting down and talking about their lives. Sure the fight sequences are awesome and incredibly well choreographed, but the intimate character moments are what make this series that much more interesting. Jessica Jones can hold her own in a fight, and once you see Luke Cage join in on the action, you can’t help but be excited for more stories featuring these future Defenders (coming to Netflix within the next two years).

While I never imagined Krysten Ritter as a superhero, she absolutely was the right casting choice for the lead in Jessica Jones. I think that her role on Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt 23 actually helped her land this character (that show is also on Netflix and you should go watch it). Likewise, Mike Colter as Luke Cage is utterly fantastic in this power house role, and is extremely deserving of his own upcoming series (joining the Netflix Family in 2016). The casting highlight however is “The Doctor” himself, David Tennant, who is magnificent as Kilgrave. With the power of suggestion/mind-control, the actor cast in this role would be required to really sell it on screen, which Tennant accomplishes with a flair and tenacity that will surprise viewers. Additionally, the series is rounded out by Carrie-Anne Moss (The Matrix Trilogy) who plays lawyer Jeryn Hogarth. Hogarth is traditionally a male character in the comics, but this welcome creative change for the show added some very interesting new developments to the overall story arc.
It is important to note that this is not a series you want to share with your kids. Jessica Jones is a very dark story, filled with sex, violence, and questionable morals. Her character first appeared in the more adult-oriented Marvel MAX comics series, which were used to heavily influence the tone of the show. So go put Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy on in the other room for the kids, and watch this one on your own with just the grown-ups.
Jessica Jones is a series that will easily hold your attention and leave you excited for more. I quickly consumed the seven episodes in one sitting, and can’t emphasize how excited I am to see the rest of this release. Netflix and Marvel have scored another win with this series, and just like Daredevil, I think we will see a quick announcement on production of a second season.
ComicsOnline gives Marvel’s Jessica Jones – 5 out of 5 small scale Marvel stories.
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