SDCC 2015: Heroes Reborn Interviews with Tim Kring and Henry Zebrowski
by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief (interview and edits) and Marc Lutz, Reporter (audio and video)
ComicsOnline was thrilled to get the opportunity to interview the creator and many of the cast members for Heroes Reborn at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. We adored Heroes in its original incarnation, and while we were pleased with the ending of the first volume, we’ve wanted more ever since. Heroes Reborn doesn’t promise to feature every one of our favorite Heroes characters, but we will see the return of Noah Bennett aka HRG (Jack Coleman) in a central role. Also returning will be The Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis), Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg), Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka), Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy), and Angela Petrelli (Cristine Rose).
Also, definitely do not miss the Heroes Reborn prequel webisodes featuring the return of Micah Sanders (Noah Gray-Cabey) as he guides new character Quentin Frady (along with all of us Heroes fans) into the new world of Heroes Reborn. This is not the world we left when Claire Bennett (Hayden Panettiere) revealed her powers to the world in her bookend leap back in 2010. Now evolved humans, or Evos as they’re now called, are outcasts, hated and feared by the world they’ve sworn to protect… No wait, that was the tag line for the X-Men. Same deal though: Evos are feared and shunned at best, and are sometimes hunted, but by who and for what purpose? Now, many Evos hide their abilities, others are on the run, having already been outed.
New characters joining Heroes Reborn include Tommy Clarke (Robbie Kay – Once Upon a Time) and his girlfriend Emily (Gatlin Green), Carlos Gutierrez (Ryan Guzman), Joanne Collins (Judith Shekoni – Twilight: Breaking Dawn), the scary CEO Erica Kravid (Rya Kihlstedt – Dexter), the enigmatic Malina (Danika Yarosh), and the character so very mysterious that they won’t even reveal his name (Dylan Bruce – Orphan Black). And finally, as Nerd Herders for life, we’re of course particularly thrilled to see Zachary Levi (Chuck) return to NBC.
Heroes Reborn premieres Thursday September 24, 2015 on NBC!