by Demi Moumas, Reporter
Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2014 – Day 2, Friday June 21st:
Day 2 started out with me getting a ride from my brother. Again I didn’t want to deal with the parking. Hooray for family. I got there a bit early and decided this was a good time to find cosplayers to take marvelous pictures of. I found a lovely lady who was cosplaying as the TARDIS, but she had this very magical tutu on her. I ambled along side her and her family for a bit while talking about the con. She had come from a few counties away to attend this con and was there to enter the cosplay contests. I don’t know how well it went for her, but I do hope that all went well!

Time came for the big panels to start. I couldn’t make my way into Karen Gillan’s or Matt Smith’s panel because they were paid events, but there were others I could go to. I made my way to the Grand Ballroom in order to get a good spot to take pictures from. First up was Sean Astin, who many of you know as Samwise from Lord of the Rings. He talked about the marathons he runs (he was actually green juicing it up on stage), the Goonies, and about his role as Samwise. Next was Whoopi Goldberg’s panel. Now I never expected her to come to a Comic Con and apparently it was her first, imagine that. She gave out good advice to people looking to go into the business.

After that panel, I went and got myself fed before going in search of artists and more cosplayers to talk to. Then there was the Firefly panel, Nathan Fillon who didn’t make it to Philadelphia Comic Con last year when the rest of the cast was here, was accompanied by Alan Tudyk this year. They had the best panel…they gave out prizes to people who asked questions. Also, check out the photos on our Facebook for a surprise guest who crashed the Firefly panel. It was a hoot and even I didn’t realize who it was until they got on stage. Boy are these men animated when they talk, most of the pictures I took were blurry. Luckily I take a crap ton of picture and got some decent ones! Someone did try to get Nathan to talk about him being in Guardians of the Galaxy, but we got nothing from that man. Almost…but no cigar.

Following them was the grand Marvel panel that I was not going to miss. Sebastian Stan, the Winter Soldier/Bucky, and Anthony Mackie, Sam Wilson/Falcon were telling us stories about who they would want to be if they weren’t in Marvel already. One question that was asked is if Sebastian would do as the comics did and take up the shield as Bucky. The answer to that was of course! A lot of their questions were Marvel related, one good one was who would they want their character to up against. They both answered that they would want to go up against Iron Man. I don’t know how well that would fair for either of them but good luck with that boys!
All in all it was a good day and filled with me running around being a rampaging photographer and stopping everyone I could. This was perhaps the most exhausting day I had during the con. Seriously, I don’t think I need to exercise for the rest of the week after Saturday.
Check out all our Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2014 photos from on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more event coverage and everything geek pop culture!