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TV Review: Grimm Season Two


I wasn’t sure what to make of Grimm when I first saw it. I was impressed it managed to survive the Friday night death slot. I liked hearing about the dark side of fairy tales. It was a little confusing to follow at first, and to tell the truth I still think they make the names of the Wesen too complicated. I pretty much end up going wolf creature, fox creature, mouse creature, and that works well enough. But man are they a mouthful in their original German names. There were a lot of things I liked about the first season. I thought the world building was excellent. I love the main character and all of his supporting cast. I was interested in the Wesen and their separate culture. I wouldn’t say I find this show very original, it’s supposed to take off of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and it does, but I enjoy it. I also don’t consider it a must-watch. I tape a few episodes and then binge them from time to time. But I do always enjoy it when I get a chance to watch. So let’s get to it! There will be spoilers for all of the show. Honestly this review will only make sense to the people who have seen the show, so you better get on it and start watching.

Season one of Grimm introduced us to the main characters. We have Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli), the protagonist, a good-natured cop who finds out he’s born a Grimm. A man able to see supernatural creatures, known as Wesen, and he’s supposed to hunt and kill them. Except he’s a lot more hesitant than his ancestors. He begins to see that some Wesen are like anyone else. He gets help in this area by his friend Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), who is a wolf Wesen. A werewolf of sorts. They meet on Nick’s first mission, and at first he thinks Monroe is a bad guy. They bond instead and Monroe offered him advice and knowledge about the Wesen culture. He admits that his ancestors were violent and mean too, but he’s a vegetarian of sorts and very peaceful. Nick also eventually met the fox Wesen Rosalee (Bree Turner), a kind woman who works at a herb shop. She ends up being extremely helpful to Nick’s work making him potions and salves. Nick also has his girlfriend Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch), a vet who he is happy with but he hides the dark world from, and his partner Hank (Russell Hornsby). The villains (of a sort) are Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz). It’s more complicated than that of course.

Season one ended with Adalind poisoning Juliette soon after Nick tried to tell her about being a Grimm. She goes into a coma. Nick is frustrated when this mysterious woman keeps killing his suspects, and he finds out that it was his long missing mother Kelly. The season arc of two followed this cliffhanger immediately. Nick learns more from his mother about what happened to her, and much like his Aunt Marie, she seems to have no scruples about killing Wesen. Nick seems to be the only Grimm capable of seeing them as good people, and that’s why he’s gotten a good reputation among the weaker Wesen out there. I personally love that about his character. Adalind gives Captain Renard the ability to wake Juliette from her coma, but in order to do so he had to become her Prince Charming. The idea being he swallowed something that purged him of his Wesen side and purified him. Juliette woke up but she forgot everything about Nick. Usually I’d call this an annoying trope, but as the season went on I appreciated that it wasn’t cured within a few episodes. I thought this would be temporary amnesia, and  I was pleasantly surprised it built over the entire season. And she’s still not technically “cured.”


I appreciate that the show takes logical leaps. For example, it made sense that eventually Hank would figure out something was weird about Nick. He was let in on the secret about the Wesen, and that gave him a new ally. A lot of other shows would’ve kept him dumb for a lot longer, and that can be frustrating when it seems pretty obvious. Also it made them recognize Renard as a bad guy, although he ended up allying with them instead. I’m fascinated by the workings of the royal family. Who are these people? What makes them royal? What really are their powers and special type of Wesen? We know now that they are seeking the keys, one that Nick has, because it brings them to treasure of some sort. There has to be more to it than that. Adalind loses her powers and gets pregnant, why is her blood/baby so important now? I must learn more! I was into Renard and Juliette having this strange force of nature pulling them together, and it scared them both. Like I said I appreciated that Juliette’s memory loss wasn’t temporary. She understandably was terrified and frustrated, and she had to build up her trust and understanding for Nick again.

I also love how many friendships there are on this show. Juliette is close with Rosalee and with Monroe, just as Nick is. Hank is getting close to all of them too. Hell even Renard is now. I like this little team Wesen/Grimm. I really enjoy all of the characters and how well they work in harmony when they need to. I love that the show is serialized but still has one offs. Every episode had a little character development, but it also had a monster of the week. I was not okay with the zombies at the end of the season. I hate zombies. I am really intrigued as to why this is happening and what the royal family wants. Where will Renard end up on this battle? Is he starting to like Nick and co. and genuinely want to work with them? How are they going to get Nick back! I love the relationships here too. It’s rare that a show can keep strong a relationship like Nick and Juliette’s and complicate it in plot-specific ways, but I enjoy them as a couple. Rosalee and Monroe are the best and their slow romance was charming to watch. Season two had a few major arcs: Juliette’s amnesia, Adalind’s nefarious plans with the royal family, Renard being revealed as a Wesen, and Nick’s Grimm key. These storylines are not all wrapped up at the end of the season, but they are delved into deeply, and I appreciate that. I don’t need to be fed the answers right away. It’s better to leave bread crumbs.

This is a show where I sincerely like all of the characters and I want good things for them. I am invested in the stories because I am invested in them, and that’s important. There are a few things I’d really like to see for next season. I would love to get a little more explanation for the Grimms and what they’re capable of. From what I can tell it’s just general super strength and speed and killing, but is there more to that? When did they start existing? What’s their connection with the royal family? I think there’s a lot more here. I’d really like more about the Wesen, I think we get a few glimpses on their social structures but there’s more there. I think they’re doing a good job of not giving us everything, but giving us enough we want to continue with it. The only criticism I have is there’s something about it that doesn’t get me excited to watch live or every week. When I see it on my DVR list I go aw, Grimm, yay. But I don’t wait for it every week going omg must see it stat or will panic. I’m not sure why, since I explained why I liked it so much. Maybe everything’s just too nice and they don’t seem to take huge chances with dark story arcs. I’m not sure how much I believe there are big stakes to lose. It’s a good show and enjoyable, but not a great show that’s hugely compelling.

Regardless, I look forward to season three and seeing more of team Wesen Win!
Rating: ★★★★☆ – While I find this show charming and entertaining, there is something missing that makes it much-watch TV. Overall the acting is great, the characters are interesting, and maybe it’s time to shake up the monster of the week formula.


Keep watching for more Media Nerdettes, more TV reviews, and everything geek pop culture! Decide what type of Wesen you’d be at our Facebook page.

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"Earth-1 Chelsea" lives in Maine where she teaches her father how to play golf and avoid deer ticks. She is too good a writer to play in our sandbox much anymore. *tear*
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